Red - Faceless
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Band: Red
Song: Faceless
Album: Until We Have Faces
Tuning: Drop B: B F# B E G# C#
Key: / Slide Up ~ Hold out note p pull off \ Slide Down
(0) Very silent palm mute
Amazing song by an amazing band. Hopefully this tab helps you out and it should
because this is exactly the way Anthony plays it.
Keep rocking and God Bless!
Intro 1. This is before it gets heavier.
Intro 2. x2 Play this 1st time, not 2nd x1
Do THIS second time
|-8--8-8-8-8-8-8-5--5-5-5-5-5-5-0~~-|Hold this last note into Verse 1
Verse 1
. . .
. .
Chorus 1 Play all this x2
Now go back to intro 2. and play it once
Verse 2
. . .
This part's fast and tricky but REAllY fun once you get it down.
Pre-Chorus 2 same as the first
Chorus 2 same as the first
Long Pause
| Play above then below and repeat
Chorus 3 same as first 2
That's it! Please rate and comment!