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DRwanda yeah your Amoon shines Gbright
DRwanda over Aplanned Ggenocide
DRwanda, won't Ayou be Gstrong
D like a AliGon
DTune in Athe Gtransistor
And Glisten Ato the Dnews
Cause Donce a Aweek it Ghits ya
GHeart Abroken and Dblue
It's the Dvoice oAver AGfrica
So Gstop AperegrDination
So Dlisten Avery Gclosely
To Ghalf a Amillion Ddead souls
DRwanda yeah your Amoon shines Gbright
DRwanda over Aplanned Ggenocide
DRwanda, won't Ayou be Gstrong
D like a AliGon
DIt's AcompliGcated
When Gfacts Acome Dslow
DMass AdesGtruction
GMass AconDfusion
What's the Ddifference Ato the Gorphan
GOrphans Aof the Ddead
When no Dmore Amachine Gguns strike
And there's GsilAence Dinstead
DRwanda yeah your Amoon shines Gbright
DRwanda over Aplanned Ggenocide
DRwanda, won't Ayou be Gstrong
D like a AliGon
D like a AliGon
D like a AliGon
D like a AliGon