R.E.M. - You are the everything
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# For the latest collection of R.E.M. chords & tab, go to
# http://www.uark.edu/~cbray/rem/
# If you have any corrections or additions to this file, please email them
# to cbray@comp.uark.edu
intro Dm
FSometimes I feel like I can't even Gsing I'm very scared for this wForld I'm very scared for Gme Eviscerate your memFory Here's a Fscene You're Gin the back seat laying down The Fwindows wrap around you The Gsound of the travel and the engine FAll you hear is Ftime stand still inF travel You feel such peace and abFsolue The stillness still that doFesn't end But slowly drifts iFnto sleep The stGars are the greatest thing you've ever seen And tGhey're there for you For yGou alone you are the everythiFngI thiFnk about this worlGd a lot and I cry
And I'Fve seen the films and the Geyes
But I'm in this kiFtchen
EverythingG is beautiful
And she isF so beautiful
She is so young aGnd old
I look at her and FI see the beauty
Of thFe light of music
The voFice is talking somewhereF in the house
Late spring and yFou're drifting off to sleep
With yourG teeth in your mouth
GYou are here with me
GYou are here with me
GYou have been here andDm you are everything