R.E.M. - Supernatural superserious
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Everybody hDereA ..Em. comes Afrom somDewhereA
Em... That Gthey would just as sDoon forgetA and EmdisguAise D A Em G
At the sDummer camAp where you EmvolunteeAred
No one sDaw your fAace, no one Emsaw yourG fear
If that DapparitioAn, it just aEmppeared A
Took youD up and aAway from thiEms space G
In sheerD humiliatAion, of yourEm teenageA station D A Em G
DNobody cAares, no onEme remembers A
DAnd noboAdy cares Em G
EmAnd you crGied anDd you criAed
EmHe's aliveG, he'sD alive A
EmAnd you crGied anDd you criAed and you cried and you cried
D A Em A
D A Em G
If you cDall out sAafe, then I'Emll stop Aright away
If the pDremise buAckles, and tEmhe rope Gstarts to shake
For the Ddetail's Amarked, but Emthe storAy's the same
You don'Dt have toA explain, yoEmu don't Ghave to explain
HumiliatDion ... oAf your teenaEmge statiAon D A Em G
EmYeah you cGried aDnd you crAied
EmHe's aliveG, he'sD alive A
EmAh you criGed andD you crieAd and you cried
And you rFmaj7ealize your faEmntasies
Are dressFmaj7ed up in traveEmsties
Fmaj7Enjoy yEmoursCelf wiBth nCo regArets, uh uh
D A Em A
D A Em G
Everybody hDereA ..Em. comes Afrom somDewhereA
Em... That Gthey would just as sDoon forgetA ...Em a diAsguiDse A Em G
EmAnd you crGied anDd you criAed
EmHe's aliveG, he'sD alive A
EmYeah you cGried aDnd you crAied and you cried and you cried
Ah, you Dcried andA you cried Em A
Ah, you Dcried andA you cried Em G
Now, theDre's nothAing dark andEm there'sA nothing weird
Don't beD afraid, AI will hold Emyou nearG
From theD seance wAhere you firEmst betraAyed
An open Dheart on Aa darkened sEmtage: G
A celebrDation of Ayour teenageEm stationA D A Em G
Zen expeDrience, sAweet delirioEmus A
SupernatDural supeArserious Em G
InexperiDenced, swAeet deliriouEms A
SupernatDural supeArserious Em G