R.E.M. - New test leper (chords)
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From: David Wagner (102017.1777@CompuServe.COM)
and DaWhizz@aol.com
DI can't Asay that I Glove AJesus
Dthat would Abe a hollow Gclaim.
DHe did Amake some GobservaAtions
Dand I'm Aquoting them Gtoday.
D"Judge Anot lest Gye be judAged."
Dwhat a Abeautiful Grefrain.
DThe stuAdio audienGce disAagrees.
DHave his Alambs all goneG astray?
A B C# D ACall me a Gleper
A B C# D ACall me a Gleper
A B C# D ACall me a Gleper
A B C# D
D"You are
lost and GdisillusAioned!" Dwhat an aAwful thing to Gsay. DI know Athis show dGoesn't mAatter. DIt means nAothing to Gme. DI thoughAt I might Ghelp them uAnderstand Dbut what an Augly thing to Gsee. D"I am Anot an GanimalA" Dsubtitled Aunder the Gscreen.A B C# D ACall me a Gleper
A B C# D ACall me a Gleper
A B C# D ACall me a Gleper
A B C# D
: Bm D Bm D Bm D ADWhen I Atried to Gtell my Astory
DThey cut me off Ato take a bGreak.
DI sat Asilent G5 commercAials
DI had nothing Aleft to Gsay
DThe talk show Ahost was Gindex-carAded
DAll orAganized and bGlank
DThe other Aguests were Gscared and hAardened
DWhat a Asad Gparade.
A B C# D What a sad parade
A B C# D ACall me a Gleper
A B C# D ACall me a Gleper
A B C# D ACall me a Gleper
By Mauro Pelella (md2544@mclink.it)
DI can't saAy that I Glove Je
Bridge1: A/B-/A/D/D
A G bridge1
Call me a leper
A G bridge 1
Call me a leper
A G bridge1
Call me a leper
"You are lost and disillusioned!"
what an awful thing to say.
I know this show doesn't matter.
It means nothing to me.
I thought I might help them understand
but what an ugly thing to see.
"I am not an animal"
subtitled under the screen.
Call me a leper
Call me a leper
Call me a leper
When I tried to tell my story
They cut me off to take a break.
I sat silent 5 commercuials
I had nothing left to say
The talk show host was index-carded
All organized and blank
The other guests were scared and hardened
What a sad parade.
What a sad parade
Call me a leper
Call me a leper
Call me a leper
Bridge 1 till the end....
Bridge 1 tab:
suAs Dthat would be aA hollow cGlaim. DHe did makeA some observatiGons^A
Dand I'm quotingA them today. G D"Judge not leAst ye be jGudged."^A
Dwhat a beautAiful refrGain. DThe studio aAudience disaGgrees^
. A HDave his lambs aAll gone astray? GEB 2 3 2 3
G 2 4 2 2 2
D 2 4 2 0
A 0 2 0
From: TIMOTHY ASH (t.ash@lancaster.ac.uk)
Anyway, I have tabbed the little lead in from the verses to the chorus
for New Test Leper, and also the chords to strum over the tab. Here
chords to strum over the tab are....
0 (an A) 0 0 2 (a D) an A chord a G chord
2 3 5 3
2 2 4 2
2 0 4 0
0 2 0 x
0 x x x
From: Jacob Knee (jknee@globalnet.co.uk)
Enclosed is my slightly different attempt at working out the basic chord
structure of this song - (taken from the acoustic version).
(I've done it as 'corrections' to the version you already had)
the verse goes like this:
D A G -A* D A G (4x, me thinks)
(This bit is more or less right - though on the slide up to the fifth fret
I'm not sure if the bass notes are being played)
the chorus (im pretty sure about this) goes like this:
G A B C D C(3x) G A B C D (that may be wrong - it's from memory)
Bm A D(4x, me thinks)
and end on Em(7?)
I would guess the chorus is:
A, Bm, C#m, D
A, G ('Call me a leper')
(on last time - just A)
And the bridge I would say is:
(Bm, D, G X2), A