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NEW TEST LEPER From: David Wagner (102017.1777@CompuServe.COM) and
DI can't Asay that I Glove AJesus Dthat would Abe a hollow Gclaim. DHe did Amake some GobservaAtions Dand I'm Aquoting them Gtoday. D"Judge Anot lest Gye be judAged." Dwhat a Abeautiful Grefrain. DThe stuAdio audienGce disAagrees. DHave his Alambs all goneG astray?
A B C# D ACall me a Gleper A B C# D ACall me a Gleper A B C# D ACall me a Gleper A B C# D
D"You are


and GdisillusAioned!" Dwhat an aAwful thing to Gsay. DI know Athis show dGoesn't mAatter. DIt means nAothing to Gme. DI thoughAt I might Ghelp them uAnderstand Dbut what an Augly thing to Gsee. D"I am Anot an GanimalA" Dsubtitled Aunder the Gscreen.
A B C# D ACall me a Gleper A B C# D ACall me a Gleper A B C# D ACall me a Gleper A B C# D


Bm D Bm D Bm D A
DWhen I Atried to Gtell my Astory DThey cut me off Ato take a bGreak. DI sat Asilent G5 commercAials DI had nothing Aleft to Gsay DThe talk show Ahost was Gindex-carAded DAll orAganized and bGlank DThe other Aguests were Gscared and hAardened DWhat a Asad Gparade.
A B C# D What a sad parade A B C# D ACall me a Gleper A B C# D ACall me a Gleper A B C# D ACall me a Gleper
----- NEW TEST LEPER By Mauro Pelella (
DI can't saAy that I Glove Je


Dthat would be aA hollow cGlaim. DHe did makeA some observatiGons


Dand I'm quotingA them today. G D"Judge not leAst ye be jGudged."


Dwhat a beautAiful refrGain. DThe studio aAudience disaGgrees


A HDave his lambs aAll gone astray? G
Bridge1: A/B-/A/D/D A G bridge1 Call me a leper A G bridge 1 Call me a leper A G bridge1 Call me a leper "You are lost and disillusioned!" what an awful thing to say. I know this show doesn't matter. It means nothing to me. I thought I might help them understand but what an ugly thing to see. "I am not an animal" subtitled under the screen. Call me a leper Call me a leper Call me a leper bidge2:B-/B-/D/G/B-/B-/D/G/A When I tried to tell my story They cut me off to take a break. I sat silent 5 commercuials I had nothing left to say The talk show host was index-carded All organized and blank The other guests were scared and hardened What a sad parade. What a sad parade Call me a leper Call me a leper Call me a leper Bridge 1 till the end.... Bridge 1 tab:
EB 2 3 2 3 G 2 4 2 2 2 D 2 4 2 0 A 0 2 0
---- From: TIMOTHY ASH ( Anyway, I have tabbed the little lead in from the verses to the chorus for New Test Leper, and also the chords to strum over the tab. Here goes. ------------------------------------------5----------0-------------0-------- -------2----------3----------5---------7-----------2---2---------2---2----- ----2----------2----------4----------------------2-------2-----0-------0---- ------------------------------------0----------2---------------------------- -0----------2----------4-------------------------------------2-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- chords to strum over the tab are.... 0 (an A) 0 0 2 (a D) an A chord a G chord 2 3 5 3 2 2 4 2 2 0 4 0 0 2 0 x 0 x x x ----- From: Jacob Knee ( Enclosed is my slightly different attempt at working out the basic chord structure of this song - (taken from the acoustic version). (I've done it as 'corrections' to the version you already had) NEW TEST LEPER the verse goes like this: A*:540005 D A G -A* D A G (4x, me thinks) (This bit is more or less right - though on the slide up to the fifth fret I'm not sure if the bass notes are being played) the chorus (im pretty sure about this) goes like this: G A B C D C(3x) G A B C D (that may be wrong - it's from memory) Bridge: Bm A D(4x, me thinks) and end on Em(7?) I would guess the chorus is: A, Bm, C#m, D A, G ('Call me a leper') (on last time - just A) And the bridge I would say is: (Bm, D, G X2), A