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"Living Well Is the Best Revenge" "Second Guessing" "Letter Never Sent" "Staring Down the Barrel of the Middle Distance" "Disturbance at the Heron House" "Mr. Richards" "Houston" "New Test Leper" "Cuyahoga" "Electrolite" "Man-Sized Wreath" "So. Central Rain" "On the Fly" "Maps and Legends" "Sitting Still" "Driver 8" "Horse to Water" "I'm Gonna DJ" "Circus Envy" "These Days" "Drive" "Feeling Gravitys Pull" "Until the Day Is Done" "Accelerate" "Auctioneer (Another Engine)" "Little America" "1,000,000" "Disguised" "The Worst Joke Ever" "Welcome to the Occupation" "Carnival of Sorts (Boxcars) "Harborcoat" "Wolves, Lower" "I've Been High" "Kohoutek" "West of the Fields" "Pretty Persuasion" "Romance" "Gardening at Night" Song: Living Well Is The Best Revenge Band: R.E.M. Album: Accelerate Chords used:
e| Bx Ax Abx F#x E0 Dx Gx | B| x x x x 0 x x | G| 8 6 5 3 1 7 4 | D| 9 7 6 4 2 7 5 | A| 9 7 6 4 2 5 5 | E| 7 5 4 2 0 x 3 |
These are just the chord progressions. Email me if you have any questions or comments: Intro: B e|--------2---------0-----------------------------------------------------| B|----------0-2p0-------0---0---------------------------------------------| G|------4---------4-------4-----------------------------------------------| D|------------------------------------------------------------------------| A|--0h2-------------------------------------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------------------------------------| Verse:
BIt's only when your poison spins into the life you'd hoped to live and suddenly you wake up in a shaken panic now A BYou had set me up like a lamb to slaughter
Garbo as a farmer's daughter Unbelievable, the gospel according to who?
I lay right dAown Chorus:
F#All your sad and lost apostles Ahum my name and Eflare their nostrils F# A A/Ab/G/F# Choking on the bones you tossed to them F#now I'm not one to sit and spin because lAiving well's the bEest revenge DBaby, I am cAalling you on tEhat
BDon't turn your talking points on me. History will set me free The future is ours and you don't even rate a footnote noAw! BSo who's chasing you? Where did you go?
You disappear mid-sentence In a judgement crisis I see my in and go for it
You weakened sAhill. Chorus:
F#All your sad and lost apostles Ahum my name and fElare their nostrils F# A A/Ab/G/F# Choking on the bones you tossed to them F#now I'm not one to sit and spin because liAving well is the beEst revenge Dand baby, I am caAlling you on thEat
BYou savor your dying breath I forgive but I don't forget
You work it out, let's hear that argument again
Camera three... GO NOW!A Chorus:
F#All your sad and lost apostles Ahum my name and flEare their nostrils F# A Ab/G/F# Choking on the bones you tossed to them F#now I'm not one to sit and spin because livAing well is the bEest revenge Dand baby, I am caAlling you on thEat DBaby, I am callAing you on thEat DBaby, I am callAing you on thEat
End on B --------------------------- SECOND GUESSING Original chords by: ? Corrections by: Jonathan Blanks ( Intro: E C# B E A/Asus2 E///E/// Why're you tryin' to se-cond guess me? E A/Asus2 B///B/// I am tired of se-cond guessing. E A/Asus2 E///E/// What will be your look this season? E A/Asus2 B///B/// Who will be your book this season?
AOh.... Asus4Oh.... Asus2Oh.... E
D GHere we areD GHere we arDe GHere we areB
E A/Asus2 E///E/// Why're you tryin' to se-cond guess me? E A/Asus2 B///B/// I am tired of se-cond guessing. E A/Asus2 E///E/// What will be your look this season? E A/Asus2 B///B/// Be in my club, write a book this season
AOh.... Asus4Oh.... Asus2Oh.... AOh.... Asus4Oh.... Asus2Oh.... E
D GHere we areD GHere we arDe GHere we areB D GHere we areD GHere we arDe GHere we areB
End on E. ------------------- LETTER NEVER SENT Chords by: Jeremy Price Corrections by: Jonathan Blanks ( Tuned guitar down 1/2 step Intro:
D1 a & a 2 a & a 3 a &Cadd9 a 4 a & a 1 a & a 2 a & a 3 a & a 4 a & a e|--------------------------------|--------------------------------| B|--------------------------------|------------------------3-------| G|2---2---2---2---2---2---2---2---|0---0---0-----------0-------0---| D|0---0---0---0---4---4---4---4---|2---2---2-----------------------| A|--------------------------------|------------3-------------------| E|--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
After the beginning part there are these series of chords : D D D D G G C C C C D D D D G G C C C C And then the chorus:
AHeaven's yours G HeAavens yoGurs HAeavens yoGurs...etc There there is this part:
BmWhen I'm moAving too Dfast WBmhere's Amy new aGddress? Lyrics:
It's been pretty simple so far, vacation in Athens is calling me And knock, knock, knock on wood, I thought I'd left you behind Heaven is yours, heaven is yours, heaven's yours where I live The thought of the catacombs left my soul at home This letter never sent And it's so far, it's so dark, i'm so lost Heaven's yours, heaven's yours, heaven's yours where I live (Another story, another story for a while, someone show me) When I'm moving too fast, where's my new address? The water is evening now, the catacombs are filling in If my soul was made of stone, no, not, not so dark, dark And it's so far, it's so dark, i'm so lost And it's so far, it's so far, it's so far Heaven's yours, heaven's yours, heaven's yours where I live (Another story, another story for a while, someone show me) Heaven's yours, heaven's yours, heaven's yours where I live (Another story, another story for a while, someone show me) ----------------------------------------------- Staring Down The Barrel of The Middl Distance Verse: E D2 x However many times necessary Pre-Chorus Chords: A5 G5 x How ever many times necessary Chorus Chords: A5 B5 C5 D5 x2 (All these patterns just happen many times over) Now the hope for the future took a pounding in the parking lot And the answer for today is all I got When your name is called the lights went down The time is the essence excuse me And I'm blinking at the vanishing point of what I thought Staring down the barrel of the middle distance God knows I've tried I close my eyes I close my eyes I close my eyes I greet despair to a standard prayer If you call for the future I don't care And I turn you round to face me here There's a compass raised with a familiar tone With a voice that needles me to the bone Staring down the barrel of the middle distance God knows I've tried I close my eyes I close my eyes Whose position shifts cause its been effect If you can't hit play cause the button sticks Ignorance is bliss, I can't say There's a compass raised with familiar tone With a voice that needles you to the bone You're left with chaos, static and delay Staring down the barrel of the middle distance Staring down the barrel of the middle distance God knows I've tried I close my eyes I close my eyes I close my eyes Staring down the barrel of the middle distance God knows I've tried I close my eyes I close my eyes -------------------------------------------- DISTURBANCE AT THE HERON HOUSE (Version 1) (Solo taken from Wayne Ellis' version)

Intro riff:

B----------------------------------| G---2--0-4-2-2h4p2-(0)--0-| x 4-| D-0-------------------2------------|

Peter is just picking through "They're going wild," the call came in a Dsus2 chord during the At early morning pre-dawn, then verses

"The followers of chaos out of control They're numbering the monkeys The monkeys and the monkeys," The followers of chaos out of control
The caGll came in to PaArty Central &qGuot;MeetAing of tGhe green Aand simple," TGry to tell us sAomething we don't know

Intro riff x 2

Dsus2"They're meeting at the monument," The call came in the monument To liberty and honor under the honor roll "They've gathered up the cages the cages and courageous," The followers of chaos out of control
The caGll came in to PaArty Central &qGuot;MeetAing of tGhe green Aand simple," TGry to tell us sAomething we don't know


E--3--3-3--5b6r5-3--|--3--3-3-5b6r5-3---|--3-3-3--5b6r5-3---| B-------------------|----------------3-3|-------------------|
E--3-3-3-5b6r5-3----|--3-3-3--5b6r5-3---|--/10-10-8-7-------| B----------------3-3|-------------------|-------------------|

Intro riff x 4

Dsus2"Disturbance at the Heron House" A stampede at the monument To liberty and honor under the honor roll The gathering of grunts and greens Cogs and grunts and hirelings A meeting of a mean idea to hold
"GWhen feeding timeA has come and gone They'll Glose the Aheart and Ghead for Ahome GTry to tell us sAomething we don't know"

Intro riff to end

Everyone allowed, Everyone allowed -------------------------------------------- Mr. Richards E5: 079900 Emaj7: 079890
Intro: E5 [Verse]
E5Mr. Richards, your posEmaj7ition E5is a messenger pEmaj7igeon, E5left behind you when tEmaj7he camE5p moved on. E5You thought that you hEmaj7ad lisE5tened but the woEmaj7rds had never crystallized, E5into a truth that you Emaj7might E5own, hey hey
Asus2Mr Richards your decision, pay attention pay attentioE5n Emaj7
E5Mr. Richards your forgEmaj7iven fE5or a narrow lackEmaj7 of vision, E5but the firesare stillEmaj7 raginE5g on... E5The public's got opiniEmaj7ons anE5d these consequeEmaj7nces border on the compound that E5razed where zealots saEmaj7ng, heE5y, hey
Asus2Mr. Richards, your decision, pay attention, pay attenE5tioEmaj7n
DSo listen, your intention, sign the paper, stamp the ribbon, You're mE5istaken if you think Emaj7we'll just forget.E5 DYou can thump your chest and rattle, stand in Afront of your piano but, We knGow, what's F#m7going on,E5 Yes, we kGnow what's F#m7going E5on, We're the cGhildren of the F#m7choir heyE5, And we kGnow what's gF#m7oing on. E5
E5Mr. Richards your convEmaj7ictionE5, had us cheerinEmaj7g in the kitchen, E5now the jury's eating Emaj7pigeonE5 pie, E5So tell me how is prisEmaj7on, haE5ve they taught yEmaj7ou how to listen?, E5We've begun to bridge Emaj7the scE5hism, pay attention pay attention,
Asus2Mr. Richards your decision, pay attention, pay attentE5ionEmaj7.
DYou can thump your chest and rattle,stand in fAront of your piano but, We knGow what's gF#m7oing on, E5Yes we knoGw what's goF#m7ing onE5, We'reG the childrF#m7en of theE5 choir heyG, from the F#m7compouE5nd fire hey, And we knowG what's going oF#m7n, E5 Yes we knowG what's going oF#m7n. E5
Outro: G F#m7 E5 x2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Houston - R.E.M. Tuning: Standard D5 xx023x Am7 x0201x C x3201x G 32000x F5/D xx056x E5/D xx045x D* xx7710x C* xx558x Intro: | F5/D | E5/D | Verse: | D5 | Am7 | C | G | | D5 | Am7 | Fill1 | Chorus: | D* | C* | (3x) | F | G | Fill1: C G e|-----------------| B|-----------------| G|-----------------| D|-----------------| A|-------3-2-0-2---| E|-----------------| Fill2: C e|---------5-7-----| B|-------8---------| G|-----------------| D|-----------------| A|-----------------| E|-----------------| Notes: In the verse it seems that Peter does not hit the high e string but he strums every chord once and then the stays at the melodic strings til the next chord.
D5If the storm doesn't Am7kill me the Cgovernment will G D5 Am7 Fill1 I've gotta get that out of my head It's a Dnew day toAm7day and the Ccoffee is Gstrong D Am7 Fill11 I finally got some rest
So a man's put to task and challenges I was taught to hold my head high Collect what is mine, Make the best of what today has D* C* Fill2 Houston is filled with promise D* C* Laredo's a beautiful place D* C* Fill2 and Galveston sings like that song that I loved
FIts meaning has not been Gerased And so there are claims forgiven And so there are things that are gone
Houston is filled with promise Laredo is a beautiful place and Galveston sings like that song that I loved Its meaning has not been erased
FAnd some things, they fall to the wayside GTheir memory is yet to be D5stilled FBelief has not failed me And Gso I am put to the test D5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- New Test Leper DI can't Asay that I Glove AJesus Dthat would Abe a hollow Gclaim. DHe did Amake some GobservaAtions Dand I'm Aquoting them Gtoday. D"JAudge not Glest ye bAe judged." Dwhat a Abeautiful Grefrain. DThe stuAdio audienGce disAagrees. DHave his Alambs all goneG astray?
A B C# D ACall me a Gleper A B C# D ACall me a Gleper A B C# D ACall me a Gleper A B C# D
D"YouA are lostG and disAillusioned!" Dwhat an aAwful thing to Gsay. DI know Athis show dGoesn't mAatter. DIt means nAothing to Gme. DI thoughAt I might Ghelp them uAnderstand Dbut what an Augly thing to Gsee. D"AI am noGt an aAnimal" Dsubtitled Aunder the Gscreen.
A B C# D ACall me a Gleper A B C# D ACall me a Gleper A B C# D ACall me a Gleper A B C# D


Bm D Bm D Bm D A
DWhen I Atried to Gtell my Astory DThey cut me off Ato take a bGreak. DI sat Asilent G5 commercAials DI had nothing Aleft to Gsay DThe talk show Ahost was Gindex-carAded DAll orAganized and bGlank DThe other Aguests were Gscared and hAardened DWhat a Asad Gparade.
A B C# D What a sad parade A B C# D ACall me a Gleper A B C# D ACall me a Gleper A B C# D ACall me a Gleper ------------------------------------------------------------------- R.E.M. – Cuyahoga
BASS INTRO [CAN BE PLAYED ON GUITAR] D G Em G G|-------------7---7------------------77-77-7-| D|--7---7-7---5---5--5----9---99-9---5--5--5--| A|-5---5-----------------7---7--7-------------| E|--------------------------------------------| × 1 VERSE 1
Let's Dput our heads toGgether and Emstart a new Gcountry up. Our Dfather's father's Gfather tried, eEmrased the parts he Gdidn't like. Let's Dtry to fill it in, G Embank the quarry Griver, swim. DWe knee-skinned it Gyou and me; EmWe knee-skinned that Griver red.
EmThis is where we Bmwalked, Emthis is where we Bmswam. EmTake a picture here,Bm Emtake a souvenir. D
This Dland is the land of Gours, this Emriver runs red Gover it. DWe knee-skinned it Gyou and me; Emwe knee-skinned that Griver red. And we Dgathered up our Gfriends, Embank the quarry Griver, swim. DWe knee-skinned it Gyou and me; Emunderneath the Griver bed.
EmThis is where we Bmwalked, Emthis is where we Bmswam. EmTake a picture here,Bm Emtake a souvenir. D
D EmCuyaGhoBmga. A G D EmCuyaGhoBmga, is Agone. G
Let's Dput our heads Gtogether, Emstart a new Gcountry up. DUnderneath the Griver bed we Emburned the river down. G
EmThis is where they Bmwalked, swam, Emhunted, danced and Bmsang. EmTake a picture here, Bm Emtake a souvenir. D
D EmCuyaGhoBmga. A G D EmCuyaGhoBmga, is Agone. G
ReBmwrite the book andA rule the pages, Gsaving face, secured in faith. BmBury, burn the Awaste GBehind you.
D G Em G G|-------------7---7------------------77-77-7-| D|--7---7-7---5---5--5----9---99-9---5--5--5--| A|-5---5-----------------7---7--7-------------| E|--------------------------------------------| × 1 VERSE 4
This Dland is the land of Gours, this Emriver runs red Gover it. DWe are not your Gallies, Emwe can not Gdefend.
EmThis is where they Bmwalked, Emthis is where they Bmswam. EmTake a picture here,Bm Emtake a souvenir. D
D EmCuyaGhoBmga. A G D EmCuyaGhoBmga, is Agone. G
D EmCuyaGhoBmga. A G D EmCuyaGhoBmga, is Agone. G --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electrolite
GYour eyes are burning hCadd9oles through me. G Cadd9I'm gasoliGne. Cadd9I'm burnin' cleGan. Cadd9
GTwentieth CentuCadd9ry go to sleep G Cadd9You're plasticiGne. Cadd9That is obsceneG. Cadd9That is obsceneD.
You aAmre the star tonDight. Your sAmun electric, outtDa sight. Your light eclipseBd the moon tonight. Em G EleAmcroliteEm. You'rGe outa AmsigEmht. G D
(Piano lead-in) e--3--2--3--------| B------------3----|
GIf I eCadd9ver want to Gfly. Cadd9Mulholland DriGve. Cadd9I am aliGve.
GHollywoCadd9od is under me. G Cadd9I'm Martin SGheen Cadd9I'm Steve McGQueen Cadd9I'm Jimmy DeDan
You are Amthe star tonight. D Your sun electric,Am outta sight. D Your light eclipsedB the moon tonight. Em G EleAmcrolitEme. GYou're ouAmtta siEmght. G D
Solo section: B-Am (x3) C-D (Piano lead-in)
GIf you Cadd9want to fly. G Cadd9Mulholland DrGive. Cadd9Up in the Gsky. Cadd9Stand on a clGiff and lookCadd9 down there. G Cadd9Don't be scaGred, you Cadd9are alive. G Cadd9You are aliDve.
You are Amthe star tonightD. Your sun electricAm, outta sight. D Your light eclipseBd the moon tonight. Em G EleAmcroliEmte. GYou're oAmuta sigEmht. G D
GTwentieth centurCadd9y go and sleGep Cadd9Really deep G Cadd9We won't blink G Cadd9
GYou're eyes are burnin' Cadd9holes through me. G Cadd9I'm not scareGd Cadd9I'm outa herGe. Cadd9I'm not scarGed.
I'm outa here. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Man-Sized Wreath Intro and Break Riff1 G G ||--3--3--3h5p3------| ||--3--3-------3h5p3-| ||--4--4-------------| X2 ||--5--5-------------| ||-------------------| ||-------------------|
GTurning on the TV and what do I see? A pageantry of empty gestures all lined up for me – woF#w! GI’d have thought by now we would be ready to proceed
But a tearful hymn to tug the heart
And a man-sized wreath – oF#w!
AmThrow it on the fire DThrow it in the air BmKick it out on the dance-floor like you Ejust don’t care, oh AmGive Gme somDe
GWave the palms, still the arms, fists in the air A motorcade of a night-string(?) shows the people that you care – F#ow! GNature abhors a vacuum but what’s between your ears?
Your judgement cluttered with fearful thoughts
A headlights and a deer – oF#w!
AmThrow it on the fire DThrow it in the air BmKick it out on the dance-floor like you Ejust don’t care, oh AmGive Gme somDe
GWell I’m not deceived by pomp and odious conceit But a tearful hymn to tug the heart And a man-sized wreath-owF#!
AmThrow it on the fire DThrow it in the air BmKick it out on the dance-floor like you Ejust don’t care, oh AmLook at what I’ve found DEverybody look around BmEverybody looking like Ethey just don’t care
AmThrow it on the fire DThrow it in the air BmKick it out on the dance-floor like you Ejust don’t care, oh AmGive Gme somDe AmGive Gme somDe AmGive Gme somDe
Am-----G------D---------------------------------------------------------------- So. Central Rain Intro:
E--------------------------------------------------------0-------0----------| B----------------3-------3-----------------------3-----------3-----3---3----| G--------------2-----2-------2-----------------2-----2---------2-----2------| D------2-3-0-----------0-------0-2-----2-3-0-----------0--------------------| A--3-3-----------------------------3-3--------------------------------------| E---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
CDid you never Emcall?Gm I waitedF for your call. These Crivers of sugCmgestioBbn are drCiving me away. Am G CThe trees willEm bendGm, the citiesF wash away CThe city on the Cmriver tBbhere is a Cgirl without a dream.
C Dsus2I'm sorry. C Dsus2I'm sorry. C Dsus2I'm sorry. C Dsus2I'm sorry.
CEastern to Mountain, third Emparty call, the lGmines are down The wFise man built his Cwords upon the Cmrocks But IBb'm not boCund to follow suit. Am G C The trees will beEmnd, Gmthe conversaFtion's dimmed. Go buCild yourself anoCmther homeBb, this Cchoice isn't mine.
C Dsus2I'm sorry. C Dsus2I'm sorry. C Dsus2I'm sorry. C Dsus2I'm sorry.
Am Dsus2 Am Dsus2 Am Dsus2 G C
CDid you never Emcall?Gm I waitedF for your call. These Crivers of sugCmgestioBbn are drCiving me away. Am G C The ocean sEmang,Gm the conversFation's dimmed. Go buCild yourself anoCmther dreaBbm, thisC choice isn't mine.
C DI'm sorry. C DI'm sorry. C DI'm sorry. C DI'm sorry.
Am Dsus2 Am Dsus2 Am Dsus2 Am Dsus2
Am---------------------------------------------------------------------- On The Fly Chords: Em9: 022002 Cmaj7:x32000 Fmaj7:xx3210 Dsus2:xx0320
Intro: e|---------2---2----------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------0------0------------0------------------------------------------------| G|---------0---------0-----------0----------------------------------------------| (2) D|---------2------------0h2-----------------------------------------------------| A|---------2--------------------------------------------------------------------| E|----0-------------------------------------------------------------------------| Verse: Em9 Cmaj7 Em9 Cmaj7 Em9 Cmaj9 Fmaj7 Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Cmaj7 (4) Dsus2 Cmaj7 Verse: Em9 Cmaj7 Em9 Cmaj7 Em9 Cmaj9 Fmaj7 Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Cmaj7 (7) Dsus2 Cmaj7 (4) this is the arpeggio played for the Cmaj7 chord.... e|-----0-----0-----------------------------------------------------------------| B|-----0--------0------------0-------------------------------------------------| G|-----0------------0-----------0----------------------------------------------| D|-----2---------------0h2-----------------------------------------------------| A|-----3-----------------------------------------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| On the Fly You said that loving me was falling off a log You always had a way with words I"m in a barrel over Niagra Falls I wonder if I am defaced If I asked of you just one wish Would you turn on me and take the fifth Your off again on some epic celebration Shooting barrels full of fish You found another hole to waltz into You found another car to crash I figured if out that if you served me up Another of this shall pass Its easy laugh off easy to brush aside We"re living our lives we"re here on the fly Its easy laugh off easy to brush aside We"re living our lives we"re here on the fly And I just happened by I stood there naked by the trains again Frozen stock still in the yard A Heron waiting for the fish to jump I never let down my guard I"ve been exclusive when it comes to you I don"t receive at all I wished I felt the same when you called me late I almost wished you didn"t call God knows what I"m looking for And God knows what I am Cause Even Jesus had his reservations I won"t be doubting you again I won"t be doubting you again Its easy laugh off easy to brush aside We"re living our lives we"re here on the fly Its easy laugh off easy to brush aside We"re living our lives we"re here on the fly And I just happened by I"m living my life, I"m here on the fly And I just happened by ------------------------------------------------------------------- MAPS AND LEGENDS


Em D2 Em (A) --0-h-2--------| (E) --------3--3-0-|
He's not to be reached, he's to be reached. He's not to be reached, he's to be reached.
D2Called the Emfool and the D2company, Em OD2n his oEmwn whereF#m he'd rather bAe. D2 Em D2 Em D2 Em F#m A/Asus4 Where he ought to be, he sees what you can't see, can't you see that?
EmMaybe he's D2caught in the Emlegend Emmaybe he's D2caught in the Emmood. EmMaybe these D2maps and Emlegends EmHave been D2misunderEmstood.
D2Down the Emway the D2road's Emdivided, D2Paint me the Emplaces F#myou have Aseen. D2Those who Emknow what D2I don't Emknow D2 Em D2 Em F#m A/Asus4 refer to the yellow, red and green
EmMaybe he's D2caught in the Emlegend Emmaybe he's D2caught in the Emmood. EmMaybe these D2maps and Emlegends EmHave been D2misunderEmstood.


He's not to be rDeacDmhed, Fhe'sC to beD reDmachedF. F (4 tDimeDms) F C D2The map that you Empainted dD2idn't seem reEmal. D2He just Emsings whaF#mtever he'As seen D2Point to the Emlegend, D2point to the Emeast, D2 Em D2 Em F#m A/Asus4 Point to the yellow, red and green
EmMaybe he's D2caught in the Emlegend, Emmaybe he's D2caught in the Emmood. EmMaybe these D2maps and Emlegends EmHave been D2misunderEmstood, been misunderstood. (Maps and legends)
(Maps and legends) Is he to be reached? He's not to be reached. (Maps and legends) Is he to be reached? He's not to be reached. (Maps and legends) Is he to be reached? He's not to be reached anymore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SITTING STILL (Version 2) --transcribed by Michael Cummings, C#m7 : XX6454 B X24442 A X02220 Riff A:
[---(A5)--G#m4-4---F#m2-2---2-2--2-2---] E[--0--] [---(5)--4-4---2-2---2-2--2-2---] repeat [--0--] [----6---4-4---2-2---2-2--2-2---] 3 x [--1--] [----7---6-6---4-4---4-4--4-4---] then -> [--2--] [----7---6-6---4-4---4-4--4-4---] [--2--] [-------------------------------] [-----]
Riff B: [-----0--------0--------0--|-----0--------0---------0--] [--------0--------0--------|--------0--------0------0--] [--2--------2--------2-----|--2--------2--------2--(1)-] [-(4)----------------------|-(4)-------------------(2)-] [--------------------------|---------------------------] [--------------------------|---------------------------] INTRO: Riff A This name I got we all agree. (Riff B) See could stop stop it will rid. (Riff B) We could bind it in the cist. (Riff B) We could gather, throw a fit. (Riff B) CHORUS:
UBp to par and Katie bars the kAitchen sides, but not me in. SBilly time for love making, wAaste of time sitting still.
I'm the sun and you can read. (Riff B) I'm the sun and you're not deaf. (Riff B) We could bind it in the cist. (Riff B) We could gather, throw a fit. (Riff B) --CHORUS (w/Riff A) I can hear you. I can hear you. I can hear you. This name I got we all agree. (Riff B) See could stop stop it will rid. (Riff B) We could bind it in the cist. (Riff B) We could gather, throw a fit. (Riff B) --CHORUS (w/Riff A) I can hear you. I can hear you. I can hear you.
You can gather whenF#m I talAk, talG#mk until youE're blue. You could get away fF#mrom me. Get away from me.
--CHORUS (w/Riff A) I can hear you. I can hear you. I can hear you. (w/Riff A) I can hear you. I can hear you. I can hear you.
Can yAou hear C#m7me? ------------------------------------------------------------------
DRIVER 8 riff: (G) -------------------4---0---0---0---0---0---| (D) ---------------s-5----5---5--4---2---0-----| (A) --------2-0-2-3----------------------------| (E) 0-0-2-3------------------------------------| repeat....
TEmhe walls are bAmuilt up, Gstone by G/F#stone, TEmhe fields diviAmded one by oGne. G/F# AEmnd the train conductor sAmays "TGake a break dG/F#river 8, dEmriver 8 tAmake a break We've been oGn this shift too lG/F#ong".
ADnd the traCin conductor saysD "TCake a break DDriver 8, CDriver 8 takDe a break C Em Em/F# Em/G Em/F# Em Em/F# Em/G Em/F# We can reach our destination, but we're still a ways away"

on that part, play the Em Em/F# Em/G Em chords, or this riff

(D)------0-------0------0--------0--| (A) ---2-------2------2-------2-----| (E) -0-------2------3------2--------|
I saw a treehouse on the outskirts of the farm. The power lines have floaters so the airplanes won't get snagged. Bells are ringing through the town again, Children look up, all they hear is sky-blue, bells ringing And the train conductor says "Take a break Driver 8, Driver 8 take a break We can reach our destination, but we're still a ways away"
WAmay to seal the hated hCeat. WGay to put myself to slDeep. WAmay to shield the hatedC heat. G D/Dsus4 Way to put myself, my children to sleep.
He piloted this song in a plane like that one. She is selling faith on the Go Tell crusade. Locomotive 8, Southern Crescent, hear the bells ring again. Field to weed is lookin' thin And the train conductor says "Take a break Driver 8, Driver 8 take a break We've been on this shift too long." And the train conductor says "Take a break Driver 8, Driver 8 take a break We can reach our destination, but we're still a ways away" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Horse To Water"
BI could have kept my head down BI might have kept my mouth shut
BI should have held my own, BYou lead a horse to water and you watch him drown.
SAME PROGRESSION AGAIN: You're only as big as your battles. Rattle my cage with your shadow. I'm a phantom-weight with a mouth full of feathers, Don't you know that what comes around goes around?
EmI'm noBt that easy, A5I am noBt your horse to water.
EmI hold my breath IB comA5e around, round, round. VERSE PROGRESSION AGAIN:
Don't darken my doorstep again, You're mixing up living in chin-chin, You're mixing up lose with win-win, You lead a horse to water and you watch him drown. You stumble on glass top table, TV's chewing shock-gone cable Pump me up a beanstalk fable And I'll call this entertainment 'cause Humpty's falling down. CHORUS: I'm not that easy, I am not your horse to water. I hold my breath I come around, round, round. VERSE Pick a fight an ultra-buzzy bubble Friday night fuckin' fried-up pub crawl Phantom-weight with a mouth full of feathers, Don't you know that what comes around goes around? CHORUS I'm not that easy, I am not your horse to water. I hold my breath I come around, round, round. It's not that easy I am not your horse to water I hold my breath, I come around, round, round ENDING A-B-A-G It's going down, down, down G-A-G-F# This runaround, round, round F#-G-F#-F Is bound to pound
The Emdaylights out of you! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
I’m Gonna DJ If death is pretty final, I'm collected vinyl G A#-G-A# C D I'm gonna DJ at the end of the world Cos if heaven does exist with a kickin' playlist G A#-G-A# C D I don't want to miss it at the end of the world
D5Hey steady steady, hey steady steady D5I don't wanna go till I'm good and ready D5It's on my mE5ind, it'sD5 in my mind E5
D5It's what I fE5ound, it's whD5at I find E5 (Same progression as above)
It's on my mind, it's in my mind It's what I found, oh my my my
E5When I spin my way right through it grates enthusiast Jack Pruett E5As the moths circle the D5moon, as you're ciCrcling the room E5Music will provide the light you cannot resist
D5you cannoCt resist, you cannot resist G7And the weblogs that get tangled as you bully and you wangle When you walk up in Seattle, where you fought the nascent battle G7You threw the thread and throttle let us raise another bottle Raise another bottle, raise another bottle
Because death is pretty final, I'm collecting vinyl G A#-G-A# C D I'm gonna DJ at the end of the world (SAME CHORD PROGRESSIONS AS MENTIONED ABOVE, BASICALLY) Hey steady steady, hey steady steady I don't wanna go till I'm good and ready It's on my mind, it's in my mind It's what I found, it's what I find It's on my mind, it's in my mind It's what I found, oh my my my Hey steady steady, hey steady steady I don't wanna go till I'm good and ready Hey steady steady, hey steady steady I don't wanna go till I'm good and ready Music will provide the light you cannot resist You cannot resist, you cannot resist Yeah ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CIRCUS ENVY Chords by: Trygve Sandven Haaland ( and Bryan Killingsworth ( Corrections by: Michael Cummings ( Use Drop-D tuning: DADGBE

Use power chords: A: 777xxx G: 555xxx etc,

Riff: d--0-0-10-12---0-0-10-12--13-12-10-| A--0-0-10-12---0-0-10-12--13-12-10-| (repeat) D--0-0-10-12---0-0-10-12--13-12-10-| [Riff] Here comes that awful feeling again Welcome the ugly animal. I hold my breath to what you sing, My pyro acrobat ball and chain, I'm not afraid, I messed it, messed it, messed it, messed it up
AI've got my telescope Ghead in the haystack AI'm getting tired of your Gdodgeball circus act A G NC Put pepper in my coffee, I forgot to bark on command
[Riff] Here comes that awful feeling again Make way for monster jealousy The strong man kicked sand into my breakfast cereal bowl I'd spelled your name with Oatios, he messed it, messed it, messed it, messed it up
AI've got my telescope Ghead in the haystack AI'm getting tired of your Gdodgeball circus act A G NC Put pepper in my coffee, I forgot to bark on command
Bridge: | D | F | A | C | | D | F | G | A | | D | F | A | C | | D | F | G | A | (you're mean, mean, mean you tease, tease, tease me) [Riff] If I were you I'd really run from me I really really wish that I were you When I get loose I'll climb a treee and drop a load on your head This monster in me makes me retch, you messed it, messed it up
AI've got my telescope Ghead in the haystack AI'm getting tired of your Gdodgeball circus act APut pepper in my coffee, I forgot to bark A G NC Put pepper in my coffee, I forgot to bark on command
(you're mean, mean, mean you tease, tease, tease me)

Continue with the bridge progression until end.

Do you smell jealousy? Do you smell jealousy, jealousy, jealousy?

End on riff.


riff : E(1) -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-5-3-0-| B -5-5-5-5-5-5-5-0-0-0-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-3-| G -----------------2-2-------------------| A E

ENow I'm not feeding off you, DI wAill Erearrange your scales If I Gcan, and Gsus4I can EMarch into the ocean, marDchA into the sea
I had a hat I Gput it down and it sunk, rGsus4eached down, yanked it up, slGapped it on my head BAll the people gather Fly to Emcarry eaEm/F#ch his Em/Gburden We are yAoung despite the yCears we are conEmcern We areE/F# hope despE/Gite the tiAmes Asus2 EmAll of the Gsudden, these Adays Happy tChrongs, take this Emjoy wherever, wherever....
"solo" E(1) : 0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-| B(2) : 5-0-3-2--8-7-3-5-| x 4

same as before

I wish to meet each one of you And you, me, you, if I can and I can We have many things in common, name three (three, three, three)
I had a hat and it sunk, reached down, yanked it up, slapped it on my head All the people gather Fly to carry each his burden We are young despite the years we are concern We are hope despite the times All of the sudden, these days Happy throngs, take this joy wherever, wherever you go. Now I'm not feeding off you I will rearrange your scales If I can and I can I wish to eat each one of you and you, me, you I had a hat and it sunk, reached down, yanked it up, slapped it on my head All the people gather Fly to carry each his burden We are young despite the years we are concern We are hope despite the times All of the sudden, these days Happy throngs, take this joy wherever, wherever you... carry each his burden We are young despite the years we are concern We are hope despite the times All of the sudden, these days Happy throngs, take this joy wherever, wherever you go. (Take away the scattered bones of my meal) ------------------------------------------------------------------- DRIVE Intro: Dm ||---------1-----------1----------1-----1--------| ||-------------3-----------3-------------------3-| ||-----2-----------------------------0-----------| x 3 ||-0---------------0----------0-------------3----| ||-----------------------------------------------| ||-----------------------------------------------| ||---------1-----------1-------------------------| ||-------------3-----------3-------3----3------3-| ||-----2---------------------------0h2--0------0-| ||-0---------------0----------0-------------3----| ||-----------------------------------------------| ||-----------------------------------------------|
DmSmack, crack, bushwhacked G Dm (with Intro riff) Tie another one to the racks, baby
DmHey kids, Rock and Roll G Dm (with intro riff) Nobody tells you where to go, baby
FWhat if I ride, what if you walk AmWhat if you rock around the clock GTick, tock, Gtick, tock EmWhat if you did, what if you walk Em G Dm (with intro riff) What if you tried to get off, baby
DmHey kids, where are you GNobody tells you what to do, Dmbaby Dm
DmHey kids, shake a leg G Dm (with intro riff) maybe you're crazy in the head, baby
FMaybe you did, maybe you walked AmBaby you rocked around the clock GTick, tock, Gtick, tock EmMaybe I ride, maybe you walk Em G Dm (with intro riff) Maybe I drive to get off, baby
CHey kids, shake a leg Dm (with intro riff) maybe you're crazy in the head, baby
COllie Ollie Ollie Ollie Ollie C Dm (with intro riff) Ollie Ollie in come free, baby
CHey kids, where are you Dm (with intro riff) Nobody tells you what to do, baby
DmSmack, crack, shackalack G Dm (with intro riff) Tie another one to your back, baby
DmHey kids, Rock and Roll G Dm (with intro riff) Nobody tells you where to go, baby
FMaybe you did, maybe you walked AmMaybe you rock around the clock GTick, tock, Gtick, tock EmMaybe I ride, maybe you walk Em G Dm (with intro riff) Maybe I drive to get off, baby
EmHey kids, where are you Em G Dm (with intro riff) Nobody tells you what to do, baby
EmHey kids, Rock and Roll E G Dm (with intro riff) Nobody tells you where to go, baby, baby, baby
Ending: Dm (Strum) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEELING GRAVITY'S PULL

opening riff

#har denotes harmonics on that fret (E)---7--------7--------0--------------------------5har--| (B)-----7--------7----0---0----------7har----------5har--| (G)-------10-------10----------------7har----------5har--| (D)----------------------------------7har----------5har--| (A)-------------------------9-9999-9-7har-9-9999-9-------| (E)-------------------------7-7777-7------7-7777-7-------|

play the riff but start with the stuff on the 7th fret of the low E string

I fell asleep and read just about every paragraph. Read the scene where gravity is pulling me around Peel back the mountains peel back the sky Stomp gravity into the floor It's a Man Ray kind of sky Let me show you what I can do with it Time and distance are out of place here

The riff is like this: (B) ------0------0------0------0----| (G) ----0------0------0------0------| (D) --------------------------------| (A) -----------------------0--------| (E) -0------2-------3---------------|

Step up, step up, step up the sky is open-armed {start the riff again

When the light is mine, I felt gravity pull Somewhere near the end it said "You can't do this", I said "I can too" Shift sway rivers shift, oceans fall and mountains drift