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Pop Song 89 =========== The tab to the opening riff of Pop Song '89 is: (E) --8-5------------------------------------------- (B) ------8--------5-------------------------------- (G) -----------------7--5--7-s-9--7--7-h-9-p-7------ (D) -------------------------------------------5--7-

Intro: A A D D A A D D D x 3

HAello I saDw you I kAnow you I knDew you I thAink I can reDmember your naAme...naDme A D A D
HAello I'm soDrry I loAst mysDelf I thAink I thoDught you were soAmeone elsDe
SEhould we tGalk about the weaDther?


SEhould we tGalk about the govDernment? B

break: B / / / B / / / E / / / E7 / / / B / / / B / / / E / / / D/Dsus4 the melody on the break isn't too hard to pick out. The notes are real close to the chords - often in them. I think its weird that Pete didn't play them on the acoustic version.

Hello my friend are you visible today? And no one ever knew that it could be so strange...strange Hello I'm sorry I lost myself I think I thought you were someone else Get Up ======

Intro: E B C G A E B C G Bb

A Sleep delays my liDfe Where does the time goA...go I don't knDow Sleep sleep sleepy heaAd Wake it uDp...up You've got all your liAfe Way up aheDad
DEreams tBhey coCmplicGate my liAfe DEreams tBhey coCmplimGent my liBbfe
I've seen you laying pined I've seen you laying pined Life is rough...rough I've seen you laying down...down With the loving kind I know life is hard...hard Well now Where to turn?

break A D A D w/ 13 alarm clocks going off at once

This time there's no escape To dreamtime
You Are The Everything ======================

Intro Am

GSometimes I feel like I can't even Dsing I'm very scared for this wGorld I'm very scared for Dme Eviscerate your memGory Here's a Gscene You're Din the back seat laying down The Gwindows wrap around you The Dsound of the travel and the engine CAll you hear is Gtime stand still inC travel You feel such peace and abGsolue The stillness still that doCesn't end But slowly drifts iGnto sleep The stDars are the greatest thing you've ever seen And tDhey're there for you For yDou alone you are the everythiGng I thiGnk about this worlDd a lot and I cry And I'Gve seen the films and the Deyes But I'm in this kiGtchen Everything is beDautiful And she is so beGautiful She is so young and Dold I look at her and CI see the beauty Of the lGight of music The voCice is talking somewhere in the hoGuse Late spring and you're driCfting off to sleep
With your teDeth in your mouth DYou are here with me DYou are here with me DYou have been here and you are eveAmrything
Stand =====

intro: E A B

StEand in the pAlace where you liBve NAow faA/G#ce NoErth TEhink about diArection Wonder whF#y you haveBn'tA befoEre Now stEand in the plAace where you weBre NAow A/G#face WEest TEhink about the plaAce where you live WF#onder why you haBvenA't bEefore
IEf you are confAused cheC#ck with tChe suBn CEarry a coAmpass to hGelp you aAloBng Your fEeet are goAing to bC#e on tChe gBround Your hEead is theAre to moGve youG aAroBund
Your feet are going to be on the ground Your head is there to move you around If wishes were trees the trees would be falling Listen to reason The reason is calling [at the end of this song, it goes up a key, so the chords are:
[F#]thenB thC#ey


up again to: G#howeC#ver,D# th


song ends on: so STEAND!
World Leader Pretend ====================