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# For the latest collection of R.E.M. chords & tab, go to
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Intro Riff: --2----2----0----0----| x 2
D Dm Dsus2 Dsus4/G x 2
D Dm Dsus2 Dsus4/G
Hey now little speedy head, the read on the speedmeter says
Dyou have to go the taskDm in the citDsus2y
Where Dpeople drown and peopDmle serve,
Dsus2 Dsus4/G D Dm Dsus2
Don't be shy, your just deserve is only just light years to go.
GMe, my thoughts are floweAr strewn, oDcean storm, baybeEmrry moon.
GI have got to leaveA to find my Dway
GWatch the road and memAorize this life Dthat pass beforEme my eyes,
G nothing is goAing my way D
D Dm Dsus2 Dsus4/G x 2
D Dm Dsus2 Dus4/G
The ocean is the rivers goal, a need to leave the water knows.
We're Dcloser now than lighDmt years to go.Dsus2
GI have got to fiAnd the river, bDergamot and veEmtiver
G Run through my hAead and fall away. D
GLeave the road and memAorize this lifeD that pass before mEmy eyes,
G nothing is goAing my wayD.
D Dm Dsus2 Dsus4/G
There's no one left to take the lead, but I tell you and you can see
We're closDer now and ligDmht years to go Dsus2
D Dm Dsus2 Dsus4/G
Pick up here and chase the ride. The river empties to the tide;
DFall into the oDmcean. Dsus2
The Griver to the ocAean goes, a forDtune for the undEmertow.
GNone of this is goAing my wayD.
GThere is nothing leftA to throw of ginDger, lemon, indEmigo,
G Coriander steAm and rose of hay.D
StrGength and courage oveArrides these privDileged and wearEmy eyes of
GRiver poet seAarch naiveteD.
GPick up here and chaAse the ride, the rDiver empties to tEmhe tide.
GAll of this is coAming your way. D