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Intro: D D G G D D G G
D When your dDay is long G
G and the nDight the nDight is yours aGlone G
D when you're sDure you had enGough
G of this lDife D well hang Gon G
Em don't lEmet your self Ago A
Em cause eEmverybody crAies A
Em and eEmverybody huArts A
SometDimes D
G sometimes eGveryting is Dwrong D
G now it's tGime to sing aDlong
when your dDay is night aGlone G
D if you fDeel like letting Ggo G
D if you tDhink you had too mGuch
G of this lDife D well hang Gon G
Em cause eEmverybody huArts A
Em take cEmomfort in your fAriends A
Em eEmverybody hAurts A
F# Don't tF#hrow your hBmand Bm
F# WF#hoa Bmnow Bm
F# don't tF#hrow your Bmhand Bm
C if you fCeel like you're alGone G
C no no Cno, you're not alAmone Am
D if you're oDn your own G
G in this lDife the Ddays and nights are lGong G
D when you Dthink you've had too mGuch
G of this lDife D to hang Gon G
Em well eEmverybody hAurts A
Em sometimes Emeverybody cAries A
Em and Emeverybody hAurts A
sDometimes. D G G
Greets Taduz