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Dont Go Back To Rockville - REM (Verse 1)
ELooking at your watch a third time Ewaiting in the station for the bAus Asus A Asus EGoing to a place that's far, Eso far away and if that's not enAoughAsus A Asus BGoing where nAobody sG#mays helC#mlo, C#mthey don't talk to anyBmbody they doAn't know EYou'll wind up in some factory Ethat's full time filth and nowheAre lAsuseft to Ago Asus EWalk home to an empty house, Esit around all by yourself A Asus A Asus BI know it might sound Astrange but G#mI belC#mieve C#mYou'll be coming back Bmbefore too lAong
EDont go back to RF#mockvillBe, Edont go back to RF#mockviBlle, Edont go back to RF#mockvilBle AAnd waste another year
(Verse 2)
EAt night I drink myself to sleep and pretend EI don't care that you're not herAe wiAsusth me A Asus E'Cause it's so much easier to handle EAll my problems if I'm too far oAut tAsuso sea A Asus BBut somethingA betterG#m happenC#m soon C#mOr it's gonna be too late to Bmbring me bacAk
EDont go back to RF#mockvillBe, Edont go back to RF#mockviBlle, Edont go back to RF#mockvilBle AAnd waste another year
EIt's not as though I really Aneed Byou A B EIf you were here I'd only bAleed Byou A B F#mBut everyC#mbody else in F#mtown only C#mwants to bring you Adown and That's not Ahow it ought to Bbe Well I know Bit might sound Astrange but IG#m believC#me C#mYou'll be coming back Bmbefore too lAong
EDont go back to RF#mockvillBe Edont go back to RF#mockviBlle Edont go back to RF#mockvilBle AAnd waste another year
EDont go back to RF#mockvillBe Edont go back to RF#mockviBlle Edont go back to RF#mockvilBle AAnd waste another year