R.E.M. - Accelerate
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1. “Living Well Is the Best Revenge”
2. “Man-Sized Wreath”
3. “Supernatural Superserious”
4. “Hollow Man”
5. “Houston”
6. “Accelerate”
7. “Until the Day Is Done”
8. “Mr. Richards”
9. “Sing for the Submarine”
10. “Horse to Water”
11. “I’m Gonna DJ”
(Deluxe Edition Side/ B-Side)
1. Redhead Walking
2. Airliner (still need to tab)
Song: Living Well Is The Best Revenge
Band: R.E.M.
Album: Accelerate
Chords used:
e| Bx Ax Abx F#x E0 Dx Gx |
B| x x x x 0 x x |
G| 8 6 5 3 1 7 4 |
D| 9 7 6 4 2 7 5 |
A| 9 7 6 4 2 5 5 |
E| 7 5 4 2 0 x 3 |
These are just the chord progressions. Email me if you have any questions or comments:
Intro: B
BIt's only when your poison spins into the life you'd hoped to live
and suddenly you wake up in a shaken panic now A
BYou had set me up like a lamb to slaughter
Garbo as a farmer's daughter
Unbelievable, the gospel according to who?
I lay right dAown
F#All your sad and lost apostles
Ahum my name and Eflare their nostrils
F# A A/Ab/G/F#
Choking on the bones you tossed to them
F#now I'm not one to sit and spin
because lAiving well's the bEest revenge
DBaby, I am cAalling you on tEhat
BDon't turn your talking points on me.
History will set me free
The future is ours and you don't even rate a footnote noAw!
BSo who's chasing you? Where did you go?
You disappear mid-sentence
In a judgement crisis I see my in and go for it
You weakened sAhill.
F#All your sad and lost apostles
Ahum my name and fElare their nostrils
F# A A/Ab/G/F#
Choking on the bones you tossed to them
F#now I'm not one to sit and spin
because liAving well is the beEst revenge
Dand baby, I am caAlling you on thEat
BYou savor your dying breath
I forgive but I don't forget
You work it out, let's hear that argument again
Camera three... GO NOW!A
F#All your sad and lost apostles
Ahum my name and flEare their nostrils
F# A Ab/G/F#
Choking on the bones you tossed to them
F#now I'm not one to sit and spin
because livAing well is the bEest revenge
Dand baby, I am caAlling you on thEat
DBaby, I am callAing you on thEat
DBaby, I am callAing you on thEat
End on B
Man-Sized Wreath
Intro and Break
||--4--4-------------| X2
GTurning on the TV and what do I see?
A pageantry of empty gestures all lined up for me – woF#w!
GI’d have thought by now we would be ready to proceed
But a tearful hymn to tug the heart
And a man-sized wreath – oF#w!
AmThrow it on the fire
DThrow it in the air
BmKick it out on the dance-floor like you Ejust don’t care, oh
AmGive Gme somDe
GWave the palms, still the arms, fists in the air
A motorcade of a night-string(?) shows the people that you care –F# ow!
GNature abhors a vacuum but what’s between your ears?
Your judgement cluttered with fearful thoughts
A headlights and a deer – oF#w!
AmThrow it on the fire
DThrow it in the air
BmKick it out on the dance-floor like you Ejust don’t care, oh
AmGive Gme somDe
GWell I’m not deceived by pomp and odious conceit
But a tearful hymn to tug the heart
And a man-sized wreath-owF#!
AmThrow it on the fire
DThrow it in the air
BmKick it out on the dance-floor like you Ejust don’t care, oh
AmLook at what I’ve found
DEverybody look around
BmEverybody looking like Ethey just don’t care
AmThrow it on the fire
DThrow it in the air
BmKick it out on the dance-floor like you Ejust don’t care, oh
AmGive Gme somDe
AmGive Gme somDe
AmGive Gme somDe
Am G D
Everybody hDereA ..Em. comes Afrom somDewhereA
Em... That Gthey would just as sDoon forgetA and EmdisguAise D A Em G
At the sDummer camAp where you EmvolunteeAred
No one sDaw your fAace, no one Emsaw yourG fear
If that DapparitioAn, it just aEmppeared A
Took youD up and aAway from thiEms space G
In sheerD humiliatAion, of yourEm teenageA station D A Em G
DNobody cAares, no onEme remembers A
DAnd noboAdy cares Em G
EmAnd you crGied anDd you criAed
EmHe's aliveG, he'sD alive A
EmAnd you crGied anDd you criAed and you cried and you cried
D A Em A
D A Em G
If you cDall out sAafe, then I'Emll stop Aright away
If the pDremise buAckles, and tEmhe rope Gstarts to shake
For the Ddetail's Amarked, but Emthe storAy's the same
You don'Dt have toA explain, yoEmu don't Ghave to explain
HumiliatDion ... oAf your teenaEmge statiAon D A Em G
EmYeah you cGried aDnd you crAied
EmHe's aliveG, he'sD alive A
EmAh you criGed andD you crieAd and you cried
And you rFmaj7ealize your faEmntasies
Are dressFmaj7ed up in traveEmsties
Fmaj7Enjoy yEmoursCelf wiBth nCo regArets, uh uh
D A Em A
D A Em G
Everybody hDereA ..Em. comes Afrom somDewhereA
Em... That Gthey would just as sDoon forgetA ...Em a diAsguiDse A Em G
EmAnd you crGied anDd you criAed
EmHe's aliveG, he'sD alive A
EmYeah you cGried aDnd you crAied and you cried and you cried
Ah, you Dcried andA you cried Em A
Ah, you Dcried andA you cried Em G
Now, theDre's nothAing dark andEm there'sA nothing weird
Don't beD afraid, AI will hold Emyou nearG
From theD seance wAhere you firEmst betraAyed
An open Dheart on Aa darkened sEmtage: G
A celebrDation of Ayour teenageEm stationA D A Em G
Zen expeDrience, sAweet delirioEmus A
SupernatDural supeArserious Em G
InexperiDenced, swAeet deliriouEms A
SupernatDural supeArserious Em G
Verse Riff:
Part 1:
Part 2:
[Intro] (Only strum chords once during keyboard intro and only strum 3 strings for each.)
E (Use only 3 strings; x221xx)
I've been lost
D(xx023x) A (x033xx)
inside my head,
E (x221xx) D (xx023x) A (x033xx)
Echoes fall off me...
Verse Riff Part 1: (E, D, A)
I took the prize last night for complicated mess.
Verse Riff Part 2: (E, D, E)
For saying things I didn't mean and don't believe in...
ABelieve In DMe, C#mbelieve in Bmnothing,
ACorner DMe, and C#mmake me somBmething,
AI've becomDe the C#mhollow manBm,
A D C#m Bm E (Back
intro configuration)...
Have I become the hollow man I see?
E (x221xx) D (xx023x) A (x033xx)
I see this echoing,
Verse Riff Part 1: (E, D, A)
You had placed your trust in me,
Verse Riff Part 1: (E, D, A)
I went upside down,
Verse Riff Part 1: (E, D, A)
I emptied out the room in 30 seconds flat,
Verse Riff Part 2: (E, D, E)
I can't believe you held your ground
ABelieve in Dme, C#mbelieve in Bmnothing,
ACorner Dme and mC#make me someBmthing,
AI've beDcome theC#m Hollow ManBm,
AHave I becoDme the C#mHollow MBman I seeE?
[Solo Link]
AI'm overwheDlmedC#m, I'm on reBmpeat,
AI'm empDtied outC#m, I'm incomBmplete,
AYou truDsted me,C#m I want to Bmshow you,
AI don't wanDt to beC#m the HolBmlow Man...
ABelieve in Dme, C#mbelieve in Bmnothing,
ACorner Dme, and C#mmake me somBmething,
AI've beDcome theC#m Hollow ManBm,
AHave I becoDme the C#mHollow MBman I see?...
AI see... D C#m Bm
A D C#m Bm (x2)
End on A.
Houston - R.E.M.
Tabbed by: MisterJones
Any comments or questions are welcome.
Tuning: Standard
D5 xx023x
Am7 x0201x
C x3201x
G 32000x
F5/D xx056x
E5/D xx045x
D* xx7710x
C* xx558x
| F5/D | E5/D |
| D5 | Am7 | C | G |
| D5 | Am7 | Fill1 |
| D* | C* | (3x)
| F | G |
Fill1: C G
Fill2: C
In the verse it seems that Peter does not hit the high e string but he
strums every chord once and then the stays at the melodic strings til the
next chord.
D5If the storm doesn't Am7kill me
the Cgovernment will G
D5 Am7 Fill1
I've gotta get that out of my head
It's a Dnew day toAm7day and the Ccoffee is Gstrong
D Am7 Fill11
I finally got some rest
So a man's put to task and challenges
I was taught to hold my head high
Collect what is mine,
Make the best of what today has
D* C* Fill2
Houston is filled with promise
D* C*
Laredo's a beautiful place
D* C* Fill2
and Galveston sings like that song that I loved
FIts meaning has not been Gerased
And so there are claims forgiven
And so there are things that are gone
Houston is filled with promise
Laredo is a beautiful place
and Galveston sings like that song that I loved
Its meaning has not been erased
FAnd some things, they fall to the wayside
GTheir memory is yet to be D5stilled
FBelief has not failed me
And Gso I am put to the test D5
Song: Accelerate
Album: Accelerate
Artist: R.E.M.
Chords used
E-a-d-g-b-e (Strings)
A5 5-7-7-x-x-x
G5 3-5-5-x-x-x
F# x-9-11-11-x-x
G x-10-12-12-x-x
A x-12-14-14-x-x
e- xxxxxxxxxxxx
B- 0
G- 0 x2
D- 11
A- 9
E - xxxxxxxxxxx
Verse chords
*F#* *G*
Chorus Chords
*F#* *G*--*A*----*G*
A5 G5
(Verse chords)
Sinking fast, the weight chained to my feet
No time to argue with belief
I'm not alone, a thousand others dropping
Faster than me
What put me here?
Nothing to hold on to
Nowhere to brake
(Chorus Chords)
Where is the ripcord, the trapdoor, the key?
Where is the cartoon escape-hatch for me?
No time to question the choices I make
(END OF CHORUS chords)
I've got to follow another direction (although fall down is much cooler)
(Verse chords)
The last thing I remember was climbing up the stairs
I threw the window open in challenge and despair
I don't know what I needed
I needed time
I needed to escape
I saw the future turn
Upside-down and hesitate.
(Chorus Chords)
Where is the ripcord, the trapdoor, the key?
Where is the cartoon escape-hatch for me?
No time to question the choices I make
(END OF CHORUS chords)
I've got to follow another direction
*F#* *A* *G*
(Verse chords)
The vista I see now is changing
Uncertainty is suffocating
Our hope has never felt so great and
Lit up down
A pounding pulse
To make it go
Make it slow down,
(Chorus Chords)
Where is the ripcord, the trapdoor, the key?
Where is the cartoon escape-hatch for me?
No time to question the choices I make
(END OF CHORUS chords)
I've got to follow another direction.
(Verse chords)
The city's burning, it's like it's ready to explode
Accelerate to make it slow
Make it go
Accelerate to make it slow
Make it go
(END OF CHORUS chords)
I'm incomplete
I'm incomplete
I'm incomplete.
e- xxxxxxxxxxxx
B- 0
G- 0 x2
D- 11
A- 9
E - xxxxxxxxxxx
Just mess around with the outro to make it like the CD does
Any questions or comments?
Until The Day is Done
Tuning- DADGBD
Intro : D C G D
DThe battle's been loCst, the war is not woGn D
DAn addled republic, a bitteCr refuGnd D
DThe business first flat earthersC licking their woundsG D
DThe verdict is dire,C the country's in ruiGns D
CProvidence blinked, facing tGhe sun D
CWhere are we left to carry oGn D
Am7Until the dGay is doneD
A7Until the dayG is done D
DAs we've written ourC stories to entertainG D
DThese notions of gloCry and bull market gaGin D
DThe teleprompt fluttCers, the power surge Gbrings D
DAn easy speed messagCe falls into routine G D
CProvidence blinked, facing tGhe sun D
CWhere are we left to carry oGn D
Am7Until the dGay is doneD
A7Until the dayG is done D
A voice Gwhispers "Son, D
The blesGsed vision comes.&quoDt;
What havGe I done D
What havGe I done A7
DSo hold tight your bCabies and your guns G D
DForgive us our trespCasses, father and sonG D
CProvidence blinked, facing tGhe sun D
CWhere are we left to carry oGn D
Am7Until the dGay is doneD
A7Until the dayG is done D
Am7Until the dGay is donDe
Song: Mr. Richards
E5: 079900 Emaj7: 079890
Intro: E5
E5Mr. Richards, your posEmaj7ition E5is a messenger pEmaj7igeon,
E5left behind you when tEmaj7he camE5p moved on.
E5You thought that you hEmaj7ad lisE5tened but the woEmaj7rds had never crystallized,
E5into a truth that you Emaj7might E5own, hey hey
Asus2Mr Richards your decision, pay attention pay attentioE5n Emaj7
E5Mr. Richards your forgEmaj7iven fE5or a narrow lackEmaj7 of vision,
E5but the firesare stillEmaj7 raginE5g on...
E5The public's got opiniEmaj7ons anE5d these consequeEmaj7nces border on the compound that
E5razed where zealots saEmaj7ng, heE5y, hey
Asus2Mr. Richards, your decision, pay attention, pay attenE5tioEmaj7n
DSo listen, your intention, sign the paper, stamp the ribbon,
You're mE5istaken if you think Emaj7we'll just forget.E5
DYou can thump your chest and rattle, stand in Afront of your piano but,
We knGow, what's F#m7going on,E5 Yes, we kGnow what's F#m7going E5on,
We're the cGhildren of the F#m7choir heyE5,
And we kGnow what's gF#m7oing on. E5
E5Mr. Richards your convEmaj7ictionE5, had us cheerinEmaj7g in the kitchen,
E5now the jury's eating Emaj7pigeonE5 pie,
E5So tell me how is prisEmaj7on, haE5ve they taught yEmaj7ou how to listen?,
E5We've begun to bridge Emaj7the scE5hism, pay attention pay attention,
Asus2Mr. Richards your decision, pay attention, pay attentE5ionEmaj7.
DYou can thump your chest and rattle,stand in fAront of your piano but,
We knGow what's gF#m7oing on, E5Yes we knoGw what's goF#m7ing onE5,
We'reG the childrF#m7en of theE5 choir heyG, from the F#m7compouE5nd fire hey,
And we knowG what's going oF#m7n, E5
Yes we knowG what's going oF#m7n. E5
Outro: G F#m7 E5 x2
opening/verse chord progression:
Bm C/Bm
It feels in dreams
That everything is there for you
The city breathes and pulses
It's fuel electron blue
I knew that you could see right through it
So this is where I give in to the machine
Lift up your voice feel gravity's pull
Drown out the siren's ring (or silent dream)
AmIt's all here where I keep it
DmIt's all in the submarine
AmIt's all a lot less frightening
Dmthan you would have had it be
AmBut that's the good news my darling
DmIt is what it's going to be
BSo singBb, siGng Emfor the submarine
Back to verse:
I tried to explain how it all begins
How its all destroyed and built again
I knew that you could not believe me
But now you're here and it's different
How the light shines in your eyes
In every second or situ
It's then that I realised
That the world as we know it
The High speed train
We'll pick it all up and start again
Chorus Chords:
It's all here where I keep it
It's all in the submarine
It's all a lot less frightening
than you would have had it be
But that's the good news my darling
It is what it's going to be
So sing, sing for the submarine
Break Down: F# B-Bb D-Db Db-D-E5-F#
Back to verse chords:
The city did not collapse in a shudder
The rain it never came
At least my confessions made you laugh
I know it's a little crazed
But these dreams...
they seem so real to me
It's all here where I keep it
It's all in the submarine
It's all a lot less frightening
than you would have had it be
But that's the good news my darling
It is what it's going to be
So sing, sing for the submarine
So this is where you trust me
And this where it begins
It's all a lot less frightening
Your tear you let it in
Tyrel and his mechanical owl
A moth disguised as a leaf...
Don't tell me what tomorrow brings
Climb into the hidden machine and
sing sing sing sing sing sing
sing sing for the submarine
"Horse To Water"
BI could have kept my head down
BI might have kept my mouth shut
BI should have held my own,
BYou lead a horse to water and you watch him drown.
You're only as big as your battles.
Rattle my cage with your shadow.
I'm a phantom-weight with a mouth full of feathers,
Don't you know that what comes around goes around?
EmI'm noBt that easy,
A5I am noBt your horse to water.
EmI hold my breath IB comA5e around, round, round.
Don't darken my doorstep again,
You're mixing up living in chin-chin,
You're mixing up lose with win-win,
You lead a horse to water and you watch him drown.
You stumble on glass top table,
TV's chewing shock-gone cable
Pump me up a beanstalk fable
And I'll call this entertainment
'cause Humpty's falling down.
I'm not that easy,
I am not your horse to water.
I hold my breath I come around, round, round.
Pick a fight an ultra-buzzy bubble
Friday night fuckin' fried-up pub crawl
Phantom-weight with a mouth full of feathers,
Don't you know that what comes around goes around?
I'm not that easy,
I am not your horse to water.
I hold my breath I come around, round, round.
It's not that easy
I am not your horse to water
I hold my breath, I come around, round, round
It's going down, down, down
This runaround, round, round
Is bound to pound
The Emdaylights out of you!
I’m Gonna DJ
If death is pretty final, I'm collected vinyl
G A#-G-A# C D
I'm gonna DJ at the end of the world
Cos if heaven does exist with a kickin' playlist
G A#-G-A# C D
I don't want to miss it at the end of the world
D5Hey steady steady, hey steady steady
D5I don't wanna go till I'm good and ready
D5It's on my mE5ind, it'sD5 in my mind E5
D5It's what I fE5ound, it's whD5at I find E5
(Same progression as above)
It's on my mind, it's in my mind
It's what I found, oh my my my
E5When I spin my way right through it grates enthusiast Jack Pruett
E5As the moths circle the D5moon, as you're ciCrcling the room
E5Music will provide the light you cannot resist
D5you cannoCt resist, you cannot resist
G7And the weblogs that get tangled as you bully and you wangle
When you walk up in Seattle, where you fought the nascent battle
G7You threw the thread and throttle let us raise another bottle
Raise another bottle, raise another bottle
Because death is pretty final, I'm collecting vinyl
G A#-G-A# C D
I'm gonna DJ at the end of the world
Hey steady steady, hey steady steady
I don't wanna go till I'm good and ready
It's on my mind, it's in my mind
It's what I found, it's what I find
It's on my mind, it's in my mind
It's what I found, oh my my my
Hey steady steady, hey steady steady
I don't wanna go till I'm good and ready
Hey steady steady, hey steady steady
I don't wanna go till I'm good and ready
Music will provide the light you cannot resist
You cannot resist, you cannot resist
Song: Redhead Walking
Album: Accelerate (Deluxe Edition)
RedHead Walking
The whole song is just 3 chords in one constant progression
EmLisG5tenA5 toG5 the song to get the strum pattern
G---15b-14-12 (repeat as much as necessary)
Out there are silver dressed darlings
And ramen mein delights
When ginger hair gets all fired up
She beats them in the night
That redhead walking, uh
Don't get close
She'll warn you with her growl
She's a bud cuttin', star studded, leather chested girl
Out there a redhead walkin'
Redhead walkin'
The redhead walkin'
Better listen keep your distance from the crimson crime warpath
O kiss that girl
Kiss that girl
Kiss that girt
Yeah, she'll cut your heart like diamonds
End of story
You bet you're gonna lose it to that hellbound crimson glory
There — a redhead walkin'
A redhead walkin'
A redhead walkin'
Heed what this wise man says
Keep away from redheads…
(Stipe Screams) AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Ow! that hurt!)