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------------------------------------------------------------------------- Love You So Much ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *************** * "markchordz" 6 Years in the road(UG) * *************** ** *Read first: Pls Rate, leave some comments and be sure that your * * guitar "tune" well before playing this song.. *


* All Rights Reserved © Copyright 2014


* **
Intro: A6 A A6 A G6 D6 D A7sus
hDear these praises from a grateful heart eGM7ach time i think of you
The praises start
Love yEm9ou sEmo muA6ch AJesus love GyoDu A7much
LorDd i love you my souls sings GM7in your presence
carried on your wings
Love you so Em9muchEm JeA6susA
LoveG yoDu much Chorus:
How mBmy soulF#m longs for you
in youGr powerF# anF#7d maBmjesA7ty lift mBmy hands, liftF#m my heart
lift myG voice towards in tDhe heavens for Gyou are inF#7 my sun aBmnd A7susshield