Praise and Worship - Didnt i walk on the water
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Verse 1
As I Dkneel in the darkness in the Emmiddle of the night
I'm Aprayin' for assurance everyGthings gonna be alDright
Lord I Dsee another battle Emout in front of me
I'm afAraid I won't be able and I'll Ggo down in deDfeat
Chorus 1
Asus4And He said, I Dwalked on the water 'n' I Emcalmed the ragin' sea
I Aspoke to the wind, it Ghushed and I gave you Dpeace
Didn't I Drun to your rescue didn't I Emhear you when you called
I Awalked right beside you just Gso you wouldn't Dfall
Didn't I Dleave all of Heaven just to Emdie for your sin
I Asearched until I found you and I'd Gdo it all aDgain
Verse 2
Asus4He said, Ddo you remember Emwhere I brought you from
Just Atake a look behind you Gat just how far you've Dcome
And Deverytime you asked Me, didn't EmI deliver you
So Awhy would you be thinkin' I Gwouldn't see you Dthrough
Chorus 2
Asus4Didn't I Dwalk on the water didn't I Emcalmed the ragin' sea
I Aspoke to the wind, it Ghushed and I gave you Dpeace
Didn't I Drun to your rescue didn't I Emhear you when you called
I Awalked right beside you just Gso you wouldn't Dfall
Didn't I Dleave all of Heaven just to Emdie for your sin
I Asearched until I found you and I'd Gdo it all aDgain
Verse 3
Asus4Now she's Dtalkin' to her Father in a Emhouse that was a home
Says my Abills are comin' due, Lord, six Gdays just ain't that Dlong
She hears a Dvoice so still and low it said, I've Emmoved like that before
I'll Ado this little thing for you and I'll Ggive you so much Dmore
Chorus 2 (as many times as the Lord leads)
"Praise Him. Not cause He done somethin' for ya, but just cause ya love Him."
God Bless!