Planetshakers - You are holy
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Planet Shakers - You Are
Mike Guglielmucci
Intro:Bm7 G
GBm7od, you are my Ggod
And i will pBm7raise
Your nGame for all of my Bm7days
Your kingdom will rGeign
Forever alwayBm7s
NGame above all nD/F#ames
KGing of kings, lD/F#ord of lords
Worship yEm7our majesty
GKing of kings, D/F#lord of lords
Jesus yEm7our majesty
Bm7 A D G D A Bm 2x
Bm7My god and my kGing
My everytBm7hing
NotGhing else can compD/F#are
To your lBm7ove
Show me your wGays
King of all dBm7ays
My heart crGies out for yBm7ou
For Bm7you aGre the kDing of all kAings
And Bm7you aGre the lDord of all lAords
Bm7I wGill lDift up my vAoice
I will wGorship foreEmver
I will worship you Bm7foreeAeveGr
Bm7JesuAs kGing my lord myBm7 saaaAavGiour
Bm7I wAill wGorship you Bm7foreeAeveGr
Bm7JesuAs kGing my lord myBm7 saaaAavGiour