Planetshakers - Unto you
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EI live for Ayou
All of my C#mdays belong to Byou
EYou draw me Ato
Your tenderC#mness, You make me nBew
Into the sAecret place I will rBun
Were my hAeart can be free
In the gC#mrace that I foBund
Unto yEou
Be all gAlory and praise
How my hAeart seeks your face
As I'm waC#miting on yBou
Only yEou
Are my stArength and my tower
Fill my lAife with your power
As I sC#mtand here in aBwe of yAou
(Key Change)
I sGtand here in awe of Emyou
I sCtand here in awe of Dyou
Unto Gyou
Be all gClory and praise
How my heCart seeks your face
As I'm wEmaiting on Dyou
Only yGou
Are my stCrength and my tower
Fill my lCife with your power
As I sEmtand here in aDwe of yGou