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G#m(broken_chords) G#m- A - C#m - B Take Note: G#m is always a broken chord [Verse]
G#m You are heAre as we liC#mft you upB You areG#m riding on our prBaise G#m Be enthroAned over evC#merything B You are Eseated in our prBaise
C#m This is prophetic I can fBeel it in the air AWe lift our praise and you Bchange the atmosphere C#m With hearts open now everyBbody singing out A A(higher tone) Oh!
I am free! [Chorus]
Turn it Eup this sound of pBraise Make it loudAer than any other Lift him uEp and shout his naBme over aC#mll




G#mAs we praiseA I can feelC#m the chanBge As yourG#m presence nAow invC#mades B G#mHear the soAund of the C#mbroken chaBins Prison G#mdoors aAre givC#ming way B
[Bridge] A - B - C#m - D#/B
EOur praise goes up AYour rain comes down EOur praise goes up AYour rain comes down EOur praise goes up AYour rain comes down EOur praise goes up AYour rain comes down
C#mWith shouts of praise we ceBlebrate E/G#King of glory enterA in C#mYou are riding on Bour praise AOh lord