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Title: Our God Reigns Artist: Planetshakers Album: Endless Praise [2014] ----------- Key: D [Intro] D G A D Bm G Asus4 A [Verse 1]
DOh for the joy befGore Him, our Saviour AWent to the cross to pDurchase our freedom BmTrading its shame for Gglory, JesusAsus4 reignsA
DDeath could not hold Him dGown, my Saviour ASin and the grave forDever defeated BmVictoryʼs mine Gforever, JesAsus4us reigAns
DJesus reigns, Jesus reigns over aAll things He is the Great I EmAm, D/F# GThe risen Son of mAan DJesus reigns, Jesus reigns over aAll things He is our victEmory,D/F# GThe One who set us fAree
[Verse 2]
DThe power of the cross has sGpoken, my sins are AWashed in His blood, now hDeaven is opeA/C#n BmRedemption is mine forGever, Jesus rAeigns
[Chorus] [Bridge 2x]
DAll authoriBmty, PAower and MBmajesty EmOur God, Our GGod ReAigns DAll authoriBmty, PAower and MBmajesty EmOur God, Our GGod ReAigns
[Chorus] [Bridge] G