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CThrough you I can do anythingG I can do all things Am7'cause it's you who bring me strFength nothing is impossible CThrough you bling eyes are open G strong holds are broken Am7I am living by faiFth nothing is impossible
Intro F / / / |C / / / |Dm / / / |F / / / | Verse
CI'm not gonna lDmive by what I sFee Am7I'm not going to lGive by what I Ffeel
Am7 Deep down I G Kow that you're hFere with me Am7 And I know that G you can do Dmany - thFing
Chours Instrumental C / / / |F / / / |C / / / |Dm / / / |F / / / | Bridge
F I believe I be-liCeve Dm I believe I be-lFieve in you FI believe I be-lieCve Dm I believe I be-lFieve in you
Chours Intro Hope this helps :)