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BmYou part the oGcean DYou caAlm the raging sea BmYou are aGbleD to dAo this in me BmYou said you’reG for me DSo whAo can stand against BmYou are wiGth me DLord AI know that
NoGthing is too hard for AYou NotGhing is too hard for AYou
I kGnow my GDod is BmableA I kGnow His lDove never BmfailAs I kGnow my GDod is BmableA I belGieve in You
BmYou part the oGcean DYou caAlm the raging sea BmYou are aGbleD to Ado this in me BmYou said you’reG for me DSo whAo can stand against BmYou are wGith me DLordA I know that
NoGthing is too hard for AYou NotGhing is too hard for AYou NoGthing is too hard for AYou NotGhing is too hard for AYou
I kGnow my GDod is BmableA I kGnow His lDove never BmfailAs I kGnow my GDod is BmableA I belGieve in You I kGnow my GDod is BmableA I kGnow His lDove never BmfailAs I kGnow my GDod is BmableA I belGieve in You
I trAust in YBmou with aGll I Dam Cause I kAnow you hBmave the mGaster plDan So Ill thArow my liBmfe inGto Your hanDds For Your glory For Your GGlory (X3)
N.C I know my God is able I know His love never fails
I knGow my GDod is BmableA I beGlieve in You I knGow my GDod is BmableA I knGow His lDove never BmfailAs I knGow my GDod is BmableA I belGieve in You