Planetshakers - Like a fire
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Like a Amfire shut up in my Gbones
I want the world to knowF
You are GodG
With a pasAmsion burning deep withGin
I want the world to knFow
That You liGve
Am - F - G
Am - F - G
Am - F - G
Dm - F - G
Let Your pAmresence come and satuGrate
Every part ofF me
Make me newG
Let Your SAmpirit come and move withGin
Fill me once agaFin
I need moreG
Chorus 1:
Jesus I'm desperaFte fAmor YoGu
Jesus I'm hungrFy foAmr YouG
Jesus I'm longinFg forAm YouG
Lord You arDme, all AmI wanGt
Chorus 2:
FCome like a flood
And saturCate me nowAm
You're all I waGnt
FCome like the wind
And sweeCp throughout this place Am
You're all we wantG