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I'm Yours from Planet Shakers album "Evermore" (released in 2005) Intro: Bm G D A Bm G A Verse 1
DOh Lord When I think ofA all You've dGone My Aheart sings of Your lDove That saved my Asoul And made me Gwhole My Bm7life is AYours
Em7'Cos You paid the Dprice I give you my lGife I'm AYours
So no Bmmatter what the Gcost I will Dgo for AYou No Bm7matter what it Gtakes I'm YAours BeBmcause You paid the pGrice At DCalvarAy I Bm7give You my whole Glife I'm YAours
Transision between Chorus and Verse 2 G A G A Verse 2 Oh Lord My everything to You I lift My heart and soul I live For You alone I'm not my own My life is Yours Hang on A before entering Ending Ending
I'm GYours Jesus, Bm7I am YourAs