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Greatly to be Praised - Planetshakers Intro: C C/B Am G F Am G
CNow its the year of JubFilee, Its time for us to sCtand And shout the viFctory We cry Cout, Come and move in Fpower All across this Amland, in riGghteousness we sFtand
DmJesus, EmKing of my sAmalvation Glet your kingdom Dmcome As we Emsee this nation Frun
Let the Cearth sing, all creation pAmraise Him You alone are Dmgreat, and Youre Emgreatly to be Fpraised Every Cnation, every genAmeration We will lift your Dmname, and Emlive for you aFlways INTRO chords
We cry Cout, Come and move in Fpower All across this Amland, In Grighteousness we Fstand
DmJesus, KiEmng of my Amsalvation Glet your kingdom Dmcome As we Emsee this nation Frun
CHORUS Just chorus chords then:
DmJesus, EmKing of my Amsalvation Glet your kingdom Dmcome As we Emsee this nation Frun (x4) (Chorus)
NOTE: We've played this live in these chords and it works brilliantly. I'm not the intro solo run. The Em in the chords is actually an E power chord (3rd position, root on the D string) is an easy transition from the Dm to the E in that position.