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GOD IS ABLE (Planet Shakers) Verse 1
BmYou part the oceGan DYou calm the raging sAea BmYou are Gable Dto Ado this in me
BmYou said You're fGor me DSo who can stand againAst BmYou are Gwith me DLord I know tAhat
GNothing is too hard for YAou GNothing is too hard for YAou
BmI know my GGod is DablAe BmAnd I know His Glove never DfaiAls BmI know my GGod is DablAe GI believe in You
AI trust in BmYou with Gall I Dam ACause I know You Bmhave the mGaster pDlan ASo I'll throw my lBmife into YGour haDnds For Your gGlory for Your glAory
All the Glory to the Lord!