Planetshakers - Fill me now
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Tuning: E A D G B E
C Am F C Am F
[Verse 1]
I tChink about You every dayAm F
ThCankful that You washed my sinAms awayF
KCnowing that it's
Love that broughtAm me toF Your sideG
I fCeel Your Spirit in my heartAm F
DCrawing me so ever closeAm to YouF
LConging for the touch of YouAm uponF my lifeG
C7All I know it's notF7 by might or Amby my poF7wer
C7But it's by the SpiF7rit of the LordG
CFill me now BbHoly One
FFill me to overflowing
ToCuch me now BbWorthy One
Your pFower keeps me going
BrCeathe on me BBbreath of life
I nFeed You to fill me over
Come and brGeathe on meC Am F C Am F