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Who Knew Chords by Pink chords used A 002220 B 024430 F# 244300 D 000323 E 022000 intro A xx2220, xx2200 verse 1
A (as intro) You took my hand
You showed me how You promised me you'd be around
BUh hEuh AThat's right
AI (astookintro) your words And I believed
In everything You said to me
BYeahF# huh EThat's right
DIf someone said threEe years from nowF# AYou'd be long gone DI'd stand up and punEch them upF# ACause they're all wrong DI know Ebetter F#Cause you said Aforever DAnd ever EWh(leto knering)w
same as verse 1 Remember when we were such fools And so convinced and just too cool Oh no No no I wish I could touch you again I wish I could still call you friend I'd give anything chorus When someone said count your blessings now For they're long gone I guess I just didn't know how I was all wrong They knew better Still you said forever And ever Who knew
AYe(asah yintro)eah BI'll keep you lF#ocked in my head EUntil we meet again AUntil we
Until we meet again
BAnd I won't forget F#you my friend EWhat happened
DIf someone said Ethree years from nowF# AYou'd be long gone DI'd stand up andE punch them outF# ACause they're all wrong and DThat last kiss EI'll cherish F#Until we meet Aagain DAnd time makes EIt harder F#I wish I couldA remember DBut I keep EYour memory F#You visit me in my Asleep DMy darling
EWh(leto knering)w A, (as, intro) My darling My darling Who knew My darling I miss you My darling Who knew Who knew