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<<capo wherever your voice needs it...>>
CI'v never written a love song Emthat didn't end in tears Cmaybe you'll re-write my love song EmIf you can replace my fears CI need your patience and guidence EmAnd all your lovin' and more AmWhen thunder rolls through my life wCill you be Dable to weather the stCorm
CThere's so much I would give you baby EmIf I'd only let my self CThere's this well of emotions EmI feel I must protect CBut whats the point in this armour EmIf it keeps the love away too AmI'd rather bleed with cuts of lCove than livDe without any sCcars
CBaby, can I trust this EmOr do all things end CI need to hear that you'd die for me AgEmain and again and again So tell me wChen you look in my eyes Can you share all the pEmain and happy times Cause IAm will love you for the rCest of my liDfe
CThis is my very first love song EmThat didn't end in tears
I think you re-wrote my love song
EmFor the rest of my years CI will love you for the rCest of my liDfe