Pink Floyd - Your Possible Pasts
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GThey flutter behind you your possibAmile pasts,
Some Cbrighteyed and crazy, some Dfrightened and Glost.
A Gwarning to anyone still in commAmiand
COf their possible Dfuture, to take Gcare.
In Gderelict sidings the poppies entwiAmine
With Ccattle trucks lying in Dwait for the next Gtime.
EmiDo you remember me, how we used to be,
Do you think we shoud be Dcloser?
She Gstood in the doorway, the ghost of a smiAmile
CHaunting her face like a Dcheap hotel Gsign.
Her Gcold eyes imploring the men in their mAmiacs
For the Cgold in their bags or the Dknives in their Gbacks.
GStepping up boldly one put out his hAmiand.
He said, "CI was just a child thenD, now I'm only a Gman."
EmiDo you remember me, how we used to be,
Do you think we should be Dcloser?
Emi, C, Emi, C, Emi, D, C, D, Cmaj9
By the Gcold and religious we were taken in hAmiand
Shown Chow to feel good and Dtold to feel Gbad.
GStrung out behind us the banners and flAmiags
Of our Cpossible pasts lie in Dtatters and Grags.
EmiDo you remember me, how we used to be,
Do you think we should be Dcloser?