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Mother by Pink Floyd
GMother do yCou DthGink they'll drop the bomb? ^ quick change GMother do yoCu thinkD tGhey'll like this song?
CMother do yoGu think they'll try to break my balls?
DOhhhhC.. Ahhhh.. MGother should I build a wall?
GMother shCould DI Grun for president? GMother shouldC I trDusGt the government?
CMother will tGhey put me in the firing line? DOhhhhC... Ahhhhh.. MGother is it just a waste of time? (movie version) Mother am I really dying?
GHush now Cbaby don't you cry. FMama's gonna Cmake all of your nightmares come true
FMama's gonnCa put all of her fears into you, FMama's gonna keepC you right here, under her wing,
FShe won't let Cyou fly, but she might let you sing, FMama's gonnCa keep baGby cozy and warm.
DOhhhhC... Babe, DOhhhh... CBabe,
DOhh... BaCbe, of course maGma's gonna help build the wall.
solo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------13>(14)----13>(14)>13>12-------------------------------------------------| --12-----------------------------14>13>14--------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------5------5--4------------------| --------------------------------------------2/7-------7--------5---3>2--3vvv---| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------------12>(14)==>12>10----| -------10>(12)=======>10--8--10>(13)---8------------x---------------------| --2/7--------------------------------------9>8>9--x-----------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------| ---------10>(12)==>10>8--8>7--8>7----------------------------------| -----x-----------------------------8-------------------------------| --x------------------------------------7---6---4-------------------| ---------------------------------------------------5vvvvv\---------| -------------------------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------------------------|
GMother do you Cthink sheG's good enough.. for me? GMother do you Cthink sheG's dangerous.. to me?
CMother willG she tear your little boy apart? DOohhhCh.. Aaahhh...
GMother will sChe break my heart?
GHush now bCaby don't you cry. FMama's gonnaC cheak out all of your girlfriends for you,
FMama won'tC let anyone dirty get through, FMama's gonCn wait up, untill you get in,
FMama will Calways find out just where you've been, FMama's Cgonna Gkeep baby, healthy and clean.
DOoohhhh..C. Baby, DOoohhhh.C.. Baby,
DOooChhhGh baby, you'll always be baby to me. GMother did Cit need to be so high?
******* * From: James B * "Luck is when preperation meets opportunity" * * * -- N. Peart * ******* * "...if your trying to get a laugh at a funeral, your going to have to be a * * lot funnier than that!" __ Woody from Cheers* *******