Pink Floyd - Matilda mother
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Pink Floyd - Matilda Mother (Barrett)
B A/B Gmaj7/D F#(addB)
There Bsus4was a Asus2king who G6ruled the F#7sus4land.
His Bsus4MajestyAsus4 was iG6n commF#7sus4and.
With Bsus4silver Asus2eyes the G6scarlet F#7sus4eagle shBsus4owered Asus2silver G6on the F#7sus4people.
GOh__D__, Amother, Gtell Dme Emore.
Why'd you have to leave me there,
Hanging in my infant air, Bwaiting?
You only have to read the lines of scribbly black and ev'rything shines.
ABsus4cross the Asus2stream with G6wooden F#7sus4shoes,
Bsus4Bells to Asus2tell the G6king the F#7sus4news,
A Bsus4thousand Asus2misty G6riders F#7sus4climb up Bsus4higher Asus2once upG6on a F#7sus4time.
GWonderDing and Adreaming.
The Gwords have Ddifferent Emeanings.
AYes, Gthey Edid. F#
Of Bsus4all the Asus4time spent G6in that F#7sus4room,
The Bsus4doll's house Asus2darkness, G6old perF#7sus4fume,
And Bsus4fairy Asus2stories G6held me F#7sus4high on Bsus4clouds of Asus2sunlight floatG6ing F#7sus4by.
GOh__D__, Amother, Gtell Dme Emore.
ATell Gme Emore.