Pink Floyd - Lucifer sam
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Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 06:54:04 -0500
- L U C I F E R S A M -
P i n k F l o y d
Words and Music by Syd Barrett
|----|----------------------------------| Repeat 2342334 times
|----|----------------------------------| Eat an Acid and add lots
|----|----------------------------------| Of variations to sound like
|----|-------4------3-----2-----0-------| James Bond...
F#mLucifer Sam, siam Gcat.
BAlways sitting by your side
Always by your sidEe.
CThat cat's something I can't explGain. D
Ginger, ginger you're a witch.
You're the left side
He's the right side.
Oh, no!
That cat's something I can't explain.
Lucifer go to sea.
Be a hip cat, be a ship's cat.
Somewhere, anywhere.
That cat's something I can't explain.
At night prowling sifting sand.
Hiding around on the ground.
He'll be found when you're around.
That cat's something I can't explain.
Trip on this!!!
See ya!
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