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Capo: 3
Capo 3
GDrinking wine and thinking bliss is Con the other side of this EmI just need a compass and a wiClling accomplice GAll my doubts that fill my head are sCkidding up and down again EmUp and down and 'round again, dCown and up and 'round again GOh, I've hCad my cGhances and I've taCken them all Just to eGnd up right back hCere on the floor EmTo end up right back hDere on the floor
GPennies in a well, a mCillion dollars in the foGuntain of a hotel CFortune teller that says mEmaybe you will go to hAell But IC'm not scared at aGll The cEmracks in the crystal, the crCacks in the crystal bGall
GSometimes you think everything is wCrapped inside a diamond ring EmLove just needs a witness and a liCttle forgiveness GAnd a halo of patience and a lCess sporadic pace EmAnd I'm learning to be brave in my bCeautiful mistakes
GOh, I've fCelt that fiGre and I, IC've been burned But I woGuldn't trade the pain for whCat I've learned EmI wouldn't trade the pain for wDhat I've learned
GPennies in a well, a mCillion dollars in the foGuntain of a hotel CFortune teller that says mEmaybe you will go to hAell But IC'm not scared at aGll The cEmracks in the crystal, the crCacks in the crystal bGall
EmIrony, irCony, this hGate and love, haDte and love Em C G,C Em,D What it does to me? What it's done to me? What it's done, done?
GPennies in a well, a mCillion dollars in the foGuntain of a hotel CBroken mirrors and a blGack cat's cold stare CWalk under ladders on my wGay to hell, I'll meet you there C But CI'm not scared at aGll, IEm'm not scared at aDll 'Bout the crEmacks in the crystal, the crCacks in the crystal bGall