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DbmWere you honest when you sAaid, "I could nevBer leave your G#bed"? Wake meDbm up and let me kAnow You're BaliG#ve.
And will you faDbmll in love agAain? Is the sceBnt slowly spG#reading? I've been anDbmswering machineAs All nigBhtG#.
ANow the doctors dancing in, While the aBmbulances sing. AnotherDbm boy without a sharper Bknife.
DbmThe moment, that's where I KAill the conversation, wrap this up With aDbm knife that loves to fAeel, How do you knBow how deep to G#go before it's realDbm?
*strum for a bit then pause if you wish* (Take me home)
CDbman I eveAn ComBplicate your brG#eathing? I Dbmguess IA'm just your averagBe boG#y.
(This is me)
DbmWith a knife in the back and aA grip on the grass, it's colBd And I don't G#want to be here. DbmI guess I'm Anever comfoBrtable or sG#ituational
AAre we losing oBr beginning Dbm B OR G# (whatever sounds best for you) To try a new life without you?
DbmThe moment, that's where I AKill the conversation, wrap this up, DbmWith a lie that I'mA enjoying EveG#ry minute with myself.
Dbm *let ring* Dbm And she could make hell
AFeel just like home, BSo I'm never leaving hG#er alone.
ABut if your lightning lips aren't mBine, DbmThen I don't know the awkwBard stranger to my rigAht, But she's crying.
AI only need one hand to drivBe, When you'reDbm with me. A B You are my G#getawayDbm. A B G#
DbmAnd don't you ever feel alAone? DbmAnd don't you wish you were... *slower* Dbm B Cut the lust tonight?
BAlright, alright tell me why my, DbmLittle Mona Lisa told a lG#ie!
DbmDo you wantA me, Do you wanBt to let me knG#ow that you're okay? DbmA diamond golAd ring, CustBomized to cut your cG#irculation.
BuDbmt I couldn't let you Ago, No,B I never let you gG#o my dear. DbmSo keep talking cause I lAove to hearB your voice,G# G#Your voice agEain. A E A E A E A
repeat E and A until finished.