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I noticed some tabs on this part were wrong so I decided to put it down here. (This is the lead at 2:05) |---------------------------------------------------| |-------------17------------------------------------| |----------------17-16-------------------17-16------| x3 |----14-16-17----------16-17-17-16-14-16------ 16-17| |---------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| At 2:13 then do: |---------------------------------------------------| |-------------17------------------------------------| |----------------17-16-------------------17-16~\----| |----14-16-17--------- 16-17-17-16-14-16------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| This is my first tab so if you feel if it is wrong then feel free to post it in the comments. :) ************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ hold out | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend ************