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As we Bmwake up in your Groom Your fDace is the first tAhing I see The Bmfirst time I've seen Glove And the Dlast I'll ever Aneed You reBmmind her that your fGuture Would be Dnothing without Aher Never lBmose her, I'm afGraid Better Dthink of something Agood to say But it's Gall been Adone mGore than once So I'll Akeep on trying G D~ A~ Oh God don't let me be the only one who says
DNo, at the top of our lungs there's noG No, such thing as too young BmWhen second chances Awon't leave you alonGe Then there's Afaith in love Bm
(pause) Bm She was always the one
I'll reGpeat it again, the Done No such Athing as too young BmRed lights flashing on the Gcar we're kissing in DCall me crazy, I've aAlways tried to Gremind her That the fAuture's just a Gfew heartbeats Aaway from disasteGr I'm afraid that I've Dthrown it all Aaway
DNo, at the top of our lungs, there's nGo No such thing as too young BmSecond chances Awon't leave you aloneG
DNo at the top of our lungs, there's nGo No such thing as too young BmSecond chances Awon't leave you alonGe
DNo, we'll repeat it again, there's nGo No such thing as too young BmSecond chances Awon't leave you alonGe Cause there's Afaith in love
DIf you kiss me goodnight G (pause) I'll know everything is alright BmSecond chances Awon't leave us alonGe Cause there's Afaith in love