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well this is how close i can get to the solo. it is in standard tunning. **NOTICE!!** I have tabbed the rest of the song and have further updated the solo in the new tab. Check it out!! |---------------------------------------------------| |---------6---------6-------------------------------| |--------------6---------6-----5h6p5h6p5h6p5h6p5h6p5| |----------6h8---6h8--6h8--6h8----------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| it sounds correct, but i'm not sure how correct it is decent. good luck!! XD | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend