Phil Wickham - Youre beautiful
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You're Beautiful Phil Wickham
Intro: (x2) C, F, Am, G
CI see Your face in Fevery sunrise
The Amcolors of the morning are iGnside, Your eyes
CThe world awakens in the Flight of the day
I Amlook up to the sky and sGay, You're beautiful (oCh
Foh,Am oh.G.oh)2x's
CI see Your power in the Fmoonlit night
Where Amplanets are in motion and gGalaxies are bright
CWe are amazed in the Flight of the stars
It's Amall proclaiming who You aGre
You're beautiful,C F Am G You're beautiful,C F Am G
CI see you there hanging Fon a tree
You Ambled and then you died and then you Grose again for me
CNow you are sitting on Your Fheavenly throne
AmSoon we will be coming hGome
You're beautiful,C F Am G You're beautifulC, F Am G
CWhen we arrive, atF eternity's shore
Where Amdeath is just a memory and tGears are no more
CWe'll enter in, as theF wedding bells ring
Your Ambride will come together and we'll sGing
You're beautiful,C F Am G You're beautiful,C F Am G
(Guitar strumming C F Am G)
CI see Your face, You're Fbeautiful, You're Ambeautiful, You're bGeautiful C F Am G
CI see Your face, You're Fbeautiful, You're Ambeautiful, You're bGeautiful
CI see Your face,F AmI see Your facGe
C F Am G C (hold)
I see Your face, You're beautiful, You're beautiful, You're beautiful