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Tuning: E A D G B E
|G |C2 |G |C2
[Verse 1]
How great the Gchasm that lay betwDsuseen us
How high the C2mountain Em7 I could not Dsusclimb
In desperGation, I turned to Dsusheaven
And spoke Your C2Name inDsusto the Gnight
Then through the C2darkness, Your lovingGkindness
Tore through the sEm7hadows of my sDoul
The work is fGinished, the end is Dsuswritten
Jesus CChrist, my lDsusiving Ghope C2
[Verse 2]
Who could iGmagine so great a Dsusmercy?
What heart could fC2athom Em7 such boundless Dsusgrace?
The God of aGges stepped down from gDsuslory
To wear my sCin and Dsusbear my sGhame
The cross has C2spoken, I am forGgiven
The King of kEm7ings calls me His Down
Beautiful GSavior, I'm Yours forDsusever
Jesus CChrist, my lDsusiving Ghope
HalleClujGah, praise the DOne who set me fEmree
HalleClujGah, death has lDost its grip on Emme
You have Cbroken every cGhain, there's salDvation in Your Em7Name!
(1st Ending) G/D C2 Dsus D G
Jesus Christ, my liv - ing hope
(2nd Ending) G/D C2 Dsus D Em G/B
Jesus Christ, my liv - ing hope
[Verse 3]
Then came the Gmorning that sealed the Dsuspromise
Your buried C2body Em7 began to Dsusbreathe
Out of the sGilence, the roaring DsusLion
(1st Ending) C Dsus G
Declared, The grave has no claim on Me!
(2nd Ending) C Dsus Em G/B
Declared, The grave has no claim on Me!
Jesus, C2Yours is the G/Dvic - Dto - Gry!
Jesus C2Christ, my Dsusliv - Ding Emhope G/B
Oh G/DGod, You C2are my Dsusliv - Ding Ghope