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Artist: Phil Wickham Song: In Your City Album: Heaven & Earth Key: C This is one of my favorite Phil Wickham songs, enjoy and praise the Lord! Intro: C F C F Verse 1:
COh, the glorious day when we arrFive And Heaven's gAmates are open wGide AmAll out fear and pain will fade aFway When we sCee You face to Gface Our gFreat and aCwesome KGing
Instrumental: C F C F Am G Chorus:
CYou will rFeign in brilliant lCight ForFever gloriAmfied in Your Gcity CWe, Your dFaughters and Your soCns Will sFee the Kingdom cAmome in Your Gcity C
Verse 2:
CLove will reign and joy will have no Fend When the sAmaints go marching Gin Am God we pray that You come sFoon We were mCade to be with YGou Our Fgreat and aCwesome KGing
CYou will rFeign in brilliant lCight ForFever gloriAmfied in Your Gcity CWe, Your dFaughters and Your soCns Will sFee the Kingdom cAmome in Your Gcity C
F When we've been tChere for ten tGhousand yeAmars Our sFong will bCe the sGame F Praise to the COne who has bGrought us hAmere FJesus Cis His NGame, JFesus iCs His NGame
CYou will rFeign in brilliant lCight ForFever glorAmified in Your cGity CWe, Your dFaughters and Your soCns Will sFee the Kingdom cAmome in Your cGity, my city
COh, .F.. C F Am this is Your ciGty, my city COh, .F.. C F Am G C