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Capo: 4
Christmas Time by Phil Wickham Capo 4
A beAautiful December night SnowD has turn this city white ThisA old town has gone to sleep SaveD the churAch on 2nd Street All Ethe faiDthful now have come To Ejoin anDd sing these Christmas songs LetA them ring Let them ring Sweet carols of a King ComDing down Coming down From His thrown above the clouds To Ebring us light Yeah, to save ouDr lives ChAristmas time WhaAt a Merry Christmas morn TheD Savior oAf the world is born TheA God of all the universe Is Dbringing light into the earth So EeveryboDdy join and sing CelEebrate Dthe newborn King LetA them ring Let them ring Sweet carols of a King ComDing down Coming down From His thrown above the clouds To Ebring us light Yeah, to save ouDr lives (A) Christmas time
Oh,A sing for joy Sing for joy Every girl Every boy ForD the highest of Kings Has come down for you and me To Ebring us light Yeah, Dto save our lives ChristmAas time AOh, come Dlet us adore Him now AOh, come Dlet us adore Him now AOh, come Dlet us adore Him now Because HEe saved our lives He savDed our lives Oh,A sing for joy Sing for joy Every girl Every boy ForD the highest of Kings Has come down for you and me To Ebring us light Yeah, Dto save our lives It's ChAristmas time It's ChDristmas time Yeah, it'As Christmas time It's ChDristmas time It'sA Christmas time