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I worked out the chords from: Phil has tuned a full step down. So hes playing in E, but really its D. I will include both chords, Below is standard tuning, and below that is full step down chords (like Phil is playing). I am unsure if all the words are correct, its hard to make out. Also not sure on the bridge. 17/04/2012 To play along with the video, and in the right key in standard tuning: Verse1:
I wanna hear you Dsay well done I wanna be Gwelcomed in I feel Your Bmlove like sunshine Aon my resurGrected skin.
I wanna hear the Dmusic played I wanna hear the Gtrumpet sound I wanna hear You Bmcall my name, and Awhen my feet with Goff the ground
Pre Chorus:
I wanna be Bmready, I wanna be Aready Chorus: So I will DruuAn! And Lord BmI won't Gquit. chasing your DhearAt, just like BmDavid Gdid until you Bmcarry my soul, Acarry my soul Gaway until you Bmcarry my soul, Acarry my soul Gaway, oh oh oh
D A Bm G x2 Verse2:
when everything is Dsaid and done and death has Gmet it's end I wanna hear You Bmcall me son be Acounted as your Gfaithful friend I wanna see You Drise like fire I wanna see the Astars that bled so Jesus won't You Bmtake me higher, where Aangels fear to Gdread
So I will DruuAn! And Lord BmI won't Gquit. chasing your DhearAt, just like BmDavid Gdid until You Bmcarry my soul, Acarry my soul Gaway until You Bmcarry my soul, Acarry my soul Gaway
And I will Dkeep Your flame Aburning in the Gnight D A G Bm? And I’ll be waiting here for You, watching for all Your signs. If I may Abe so bold to Dask You, would You Bmlend Your Aear to Gme, Bmoh ALord come Gquickly, yeah
D A Bm G
So I will DruuAn! And Lord BmI won't Gquit. chasing your DhearAt, just like BmDavid Gdid until You Bmcarry my soul, Acarry my soul Gaway until You Bmcarry my soul, Acarry my soul Gaway
I wanna hear you Esay well done I wanna be Awelcomed in I feel Your C#mlove like sunshine Bon my resurArected skin.
I wanna hear the Emusic played I wanna hear the Atrumpet sound I wanna hear You C#mcall my name, and Bwhen my feel with Aoff the ground
Pre Chorus:
I wanna be C#mready, I wanna be Bready Chorus: So I will EruuBn! And Lord C#mI won't Aquit. chasing your EhearBt, just like C#mDavid Adid until You C#mcarry my soul, Bcarry my soul Aaway until You C#mcarry my soul, Bcarry my soul Aaway, oh oh oh
E B C#m A x2 Verse2:
when everything is Esaid and done and death has Amet its end I wanna hear You C#mcall me son be Bcounted as your Afaithful friend I wanna see You Erise like fire I wanna see the Bstars that bled so Jesus won't You C#mtake me higher, where Bangels fear to Adread
So I will EruuBn! And Lord C#mI won't Aquit. chasing your EhearBt, just like C#mDavid Adid until You C#mcarry my soul, Bcarry my soul Aaway until You C#mcarry my soul, Bcarry my soul Aaway
And I will Ekeep Your flame Bburning in the Anight E B A C#m? And I’ll be waiting here for You, watching for all Your signs. If I may Bbe so bold to Eask You, would You C#mlend Your Bear to Ame, C#moh BLord come Aquickly, yeah
E B C#m A
So I will EruuBn! And Lord C#mI won't Aquit. chasing your EhearBt, just like C#mDavid Adid until You C#mcarry my soul, Bcarry my soul Aaway until You C#mcarry my soul, Bcarry my soul Aaway