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Tuning: D A D F# A D
[Verse 1]
HBello, my candy coated dEarling, it's your vanilla bGaby I've come to say I lF#ove you and I always hBave IB find it so amuEsing, I used to be confGused and afraid that you would nF#ever love me bBack BBut now I see that we were aElways meant to be yGou and me forever planting lF#ots of family trees cBounting out our children, half a zEillion at least we'll nGame the boys for you and we will nF#ame the girls for me
HBaaa aaah AEaah aaah HGaaa aaah ah HF#aaa aaah ah HBaaa aaah AEaah aaah HGaaa aaah ah HF#aaa aaah ah
[Verse 2]
HBello, the sour peach of Emy skin, the sweetest poison iGcing so tasty it could rF#ot your teeth and bBrain TBhe chaotic consEumption, the diabetic gGumption to do a thing like mF#ake me go insBane and leave this plane of realEity completely fGloat among the clouds of pink and F#blue cotton candy lBet's blast into space and race aEround like aeroplanes spreading mGulticolored chem-trails, soda pF#op and acid rain
FEeels so neat! NDever wanna be myself aBgain, I just wanna be SBW--E--ET! FEeels so fun! NDever wanna come back dBown... FEeels so neat! NDever wanna be myself aBgain, I just wanna be SW--E--ET! FEeels so fun! NDever wanna come back dBown, B come back dBown,
HBaaa aaah AEaah aaah HGaaa aaah ah HF#aaa aaah ah HBaaa aaah AEaah aaah HGaaa aaah ah HF#aaa aaah ah HGaaa aaah ah HF#aaa aaah ah
[Verse 3]
GBoodbye to heartbreak on my bEirthday, annoying boys who hGurt me with all the stupid tF#hings they do and sBay I can't even rEemember, what I was so uGpset for Spun sugar melts in wF#ater anywBay SBo no more crying, dry those tEears, I'll end your pain SGoon you'll feel the cherry syrup rF#unning through your veins HBeaven is a grinning face with nEot a trace of shame Take a tGaste of every flavour, favour anF#ything but plain
FEeels so neat! NDever wanna be myself aBgain, I just wanna be SBW--E--ET! FEeels so fun! NDever wanna come back dBown... FEeels so neat! NDever wanna be myself aBgain, I just wanna be SBW--E--ET! FEeels so fun! NDever wanna come back dBooooooBooooooBooooooBown,
HBaaa aaah AEaah aaah HGaaa aaah ah HF#aaa aaah ah HBaaa aaah AEaah aaah HGaaa aaah ah HF#aaa aaah ah