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WGell, well, well, well, well. Do you lCove me like you know you ought tGo do' WGell, well, well, well, well. Or is thCis the only thing you want mGe for' Well, I've been mD7eaning to talk to you abC7out it for sometime, swC7eet little lass, you Care my long haired lGady.
WhFo's the lBbady that makes that bD7rief occGasional laughter' ShFe's the lBbady who we wears those fD7lashing Geyes. WhFo'll be Bbtaking her home when D7all the dGancing is over' IF'm the Bblucky man she D7will hypnotGize.
CmLong haired lG7ady, lCmong haired lG7ady. Bells are buzzing about my sweet delectable baby, birds are humming about their big surprise. Who's your favorite person, dear phenomenal lady' I belong to the girl with flashing eye.
Long haired lady, long haired lady.
GAh, love is lFong, love is lCong, love is lGong. GAh, when you're wrFong, love is lCong, love is lGong. GAh, love is lFong, love is lCong, love is lGong. GAh, when you're wrFong, love is lCong, love is lGong.
Well, Well, Well,... Ah, love is long, love is long,...