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I'm posting two versions, one version with the raw untransposed chords that are
played on piano in the actual song,
and another version with a capo so that open chords can be played on guitar more easily,
but the first version sounds more accurate as it follows the voicing in the actual song.
Version 1: No capo, Standard tuning
Key: F# Major , 4/4 timing (mostly)
Chords : EADGBe (These are all barre/power chords)
F# : 244322
A#m : x13321
B : x24442
C# : x46664
Ddim : x5676x
G#7 : 464544
C#5 : x466xx
D#5 : x688xx
E5 : x799xx
Cdim : x3454x
F#sus4 : 244422
C#7 : x46464
F#5 : 244xxx
Here is what the chords look like when lined up in bars with the beats written at the top.
This is to help with the timing if you're not sure about it.
Keep playing the chord and count out the beats until the chord changes:
Intro Verse: (bpm=61, this is the piano part at the start)
|1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & |1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & |
|F# A#m |B C# Ddim |
|F# A#m |B C# Ddim |
|F# A#m |B G#7 |
|C# |C#5 D#5 E5 -rest- |
...Say live and let...
Part immediately after verse: (bpm=70, slightly faster, orchestra comes in)
Be careful of the timing!
|1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & |1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & |
|F# B |Cdim F#sus4 |
|F# B |Cdim | <--this bar is in 3/8 timing
Interlude (bpm=150ish, much faster, a distorted guitar comes in playing the F#5
power chord 244xxx . There's not much else in this part chord-wise)
Middle verse: (bpm=75 , half as fast as interlude)
|1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & |1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & |
|B |F# |
|C#7 |D#5 E5 ... |
| --whole bar rest-- |
And then it goes back to the interlude, and then replay the intro verse again and
then back to the interlude, when then it fades out at the end.
Where lyrics exist, Here are the chords with the lyrics:
F#When you were A#myoung and your Bheart was an oC#pen book Ddim
F#You used to A#msay live and let Blive
(You know you C#did, you know youDdim did you know you dF#id)
F#But in this A#mever changing woBrld in which we G#7live in
C# C#5 D#5 E5...
makes you give in and cry
Say live and let F#die B
live and let Cdimdie F#sus4
live and let F#die B
Cdim ....
live and let die
--Play F#5 all the way through the interlude--
BWhat does it matter to ya
F#when you got a job to do
you gotta C#7do it well
D#5 E5 .........
you gotta give the other fellow hell...
Capo Version
Version 2: Capo 6th Fret , Standard tuning
Key: C Major , 4/4 timing (mostly)
Chords : EADGBe (These are all relative to capo)
C : x32010
Em : 022000 (or 022003 sound more like the original)
F : 133211
G : 320033 (or 355433 will be easier for the switch to G#dim)
G#dim : 4564xx
D7 : xx0212
G5 : 355xxx
A5 : 577xxx
Bb5 : 688xxx
F#dim : 2342xx
Csus4 : x3301x or x33011
G7 : 320001
C5 : x355xx
Here is what the chords look like when lined up in bars with the beats written at the top.
This is to help with the timing if you're not sure about it.
Keep playing the chord and count out the beats until the chord changes:
Intro Verse: (bpm=61, this is the piano part at the start)
|1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & |1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & |
|C Em |F G G#dim |
|C Em |F G G#dim |
|C Em |F D7 |
|G |G5 A5 Bb5 -rest- |
...Say live and let...
Part immediately after verse: (bpm=70, slightly faster, orchestra comes in)
Be careful of the timing!
|1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & |1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & |
|C F |F#dim Csus4 |
|C F |F#dim | <--this bar is in 3/8 timing
Interlude (bpm=150ish, much faster, a distorted guitar comes in playing the C5
power chord x355xx . There's not much else in this part chord-wise)
Middle verse: (bpm=75 , half as fast as interlude)
|1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & |1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & |
|F |C |
|G7 |A5 Bb5 ... |
| --whole bar rest-- |
And then it goes back to the interlude, and then replay the intro verse again and
then back to the interlude, when then it fades out at the end.
Where lyrics exist, Here are the chords with the lyrics: (remember, capo 6th fret)
CWhen you were Emyoung and your Fheart was an oGpen book G#dim
CYou used to Emsay live and let Flive
(You know youG did, you know yoG#dimu did you know you dCid)
CBut in this Emever changing woFrld in which we D7live in
G G5 A5 Bb5...
makes you give in and cry
Say live and let CdieF
live and let F#dimdie Csus4
live and let CdieF
F#dim ....
live and let die
--Play C5 all the way through the interlude--
FWhat does it matter to ya
Cwhen you got a job to do
you gotta G7do it well
A5 Bb5 .........
you gotta give the other fellow hell...
And that's about it. Rate and comment and make any corrections necessary. Thanks