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--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope of Deliverance - Paul McCartney --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: maguri Tuning: Standard Paul McCartney Hope of Deliverance (1993) (McCartney) From: “Off the Ground” Play this song with a second guitarist, one using a capo 5th fret (playing in G), the other without capo (playing in C). Sounds great together, enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1 capo: 5th fret play: G key: C --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHORDS E-A-D-G-B-e Em/B x-2-2-0-0-0 Am/G 3-x-2-2-1-0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRO | G | Em | G | Em [break] | VERSE
I will always Gbe Emhoping, Amhoping You will always Gbe Emholding AmHolding my heart in your hand | G | Em | G | Em [break] | I will understand
I will underGstand Emsomeday, Amone day You will underGstand Emalways AmAlways from now until then
When it will be Emright I Amdon't know What it will be Emlike I Amdon't know We live in Chope of deEm/Bliverance Am | Am/G | % | From the darkness that surrounds us
CHope of deEmliverance CHope of deEmliverance CHope of deEm/Bliverance Am | Am/G | % | From the darkness that surrounds us
INTERLUDE | G | Em | G | Em [break] | VERSE
And I wouldn't Gmind Emknowing, Amknowing That you wouldn't Gmind Emgoing AmGoing along with my plan
When it will be Emright I Amdon't know What it will be Emlike I Amdon't know We live in Chope of deEm/Bliverance From the Amdarkness that surAm/Grounds us
CHope of deEmliverance CHope of deEmliverance CHope of deEmliverance Am | Am/G | % | From the darkness that surrounds us
SOLO | G | Em | Am | % | | G | Em | Am | % | % | % | | Em | Am | Em | Am | | C | Em/B | Am | Am/G | % | CHORUS
CHope of deEmliverance CHope of deEmliverance CHope of deEm/Bliverance From the Amdarkness that surAm/Grounds us
CHope of deEmliverance CHope of deEmliverance CHope of deEmliverance Am | Am/G | % | From the darkness that surrounds us
INTERLUDE | G | Em | G | Em [break] | CODA
GHope of deEmliverance G Em [G] Hope of deliverance (I will understand) GHope of deEmliverance G Em [G] Hope of deliverance (I will understand) GHope of deEmliverance GHope of deEmliverance G
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2 no capo play: C key: C --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHORDS E-A-D-G-B-e Am/E 0-x-2-2-1-0 or x-x-2-2-1-0 Dm/C x-3-x-2-3-1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRO | C | Am | C | Am [break] | VERSE
I will always Cbe Amhoping, Dmhoping You will always Cbe Amholding DmHolding my heart in your hand | C | Am | C | Am [break] | I will understand
I will underCstand Amsomeday, Dmone day You will underCstand Amalways DmAlways from now until then
When it will be Amright I Dmdon't know What it will be Amlike I Dmdon't know We live in Fhope of deAm/Eliverance Dm | Dm/C | % | From the darkness that surrounds us
FHope of deAmliverance FHope of deAmliverance FHope of deAm/Eliverance Dm | Dm/C | % | From the darkness that surrounds us
INTERLUDE | C | Am | C | Am [break] | VERSE
And I wouldn't Cmind Amknowing, Dmknowing That you wouldn't Cmind Amgoing DmGoing along with my plan
When it will be Amright I Dmdon't know What it will be Amlike I Dmdon't know We live in Fhope of deAm/Eliverance From the Dmdarkness that surDm/Crounds us
FHope of deAmliverance FHope of deAmliverance FHope of deAmliverance Dm | Dm/C | % | From the darkness that surrounds us
SOLO | C | Am | Dm | % | | C | Am | Dm | % | % | % | | Am | Dm | Am | Dm | | F | Am/E | Dm | Dm/C | % | CHORUS
FHope of deAmliverance FHope of deAmliverance FHope of deAm/Eliverance From the Dmdarkness that surDm/Crounds us
FHope of deAmliverance FHope of deAmliverance FHope of deAmliverance Dm | Dm/C | % | From the darkness that surrounds us
INTERLUDE | C | Am | C | Am | CODA
CHope of deAmliverance C Am [C] Hope of deliverance (I will understand) CHope of deAmliverance C Am [C] Hope of deliverance (I will understand) CHope of deAmliverance CHope of deAmliverance C