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The Island by Paul Brady - recorded by Dolores Keane among others, a beautiful song -- I play this very simply - On the 'hey don't listen' line, I tend to play the 'hey' G with a single strum followed by the G7 on 'me', a single strum, and then sing the 'this wasn't to be no' with no accompaniment before coming in on the C for 'sad song' - it works for me!
They say the skGies of LDebanon are bGurning Those mighty cedGars bleeDding in the heGat They're showing pictGures oDn the televisGion Women and chGildren dDying in the sGtreet And now we're jCust the same in our own place Still trying to reGach the fDuture through the Gpast, Still tryin' to CaCrve tomorrow from a tombstone But hGey don't listen to G7me, This wasn't meant to be no sCad song We've heard too mDuch of that beGfore Right now I only want to Dbe here with yAmou 'til the Cmorning Ddew comes Gfalling
I want to take you to the Cisland and trace your fDootprints in the sGand And in the evening when the sAmun goes dCown We'll make lAmove to the soDund of the oGcean G D G
They're raising bGattles oDver by the Gmarkets Whitewashing sloGgans oDn the shipyard Gwalls Witchdoctors prGaying fDor a mighty shGowdown No way this hGoly flDag is gonna fGall Up here we sCacrifice our children, To feed the GWorn out Ddreams of yesterGday Teach them "DCying will lead us into Glory" But heGy don't listen to G7me, This wasn't meant to be no Csad song We've heard too mDuch of that befGore Right now I only want to Dbe here with yAmou 'til the mCorning dDew comes fGalling
I want to take you to the Cisland and trace yourD footprints in theG sand And in the evening when the sAmun goes dCown We'll make lAmove to the soDund of the oGcean
I know us plGain folks dDon't see all the sGtory I know that pGeace and Dlove's just copping Gout I guess those yoGung boys dDying in the dGitches Is just what Gbeing fDree is all abGout I know this Ctwisted wreckage down on Main Street Will bring us aGll togeDther in the Gend People maCrching down the road to freedom... TCo freedom
But heGy don't listen to G7me, This wasn't meant to be no Csad song I've sung too mucDh of that beforGe Right now I only want to Dbe here with yAmou 'til the mCorning dDew comes fGalling
I want to take you to the iCsland and trace your fDootprints in the Gsand And in the evening when the sAmun goes dCown We'll make lAmove to the soDund of the oGcean Repeat last chorus and fade...