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Another tune I couldn't find on here, so have subbed how I play it, the Drun is just a D chord played slowly down then back up, play with it yourself, see what feels and sounds right for you. I have probably made a pile of mistakes on this one, but if it prompts someone else to submit a better version, everyone wins. As always any mistukes, feck ups or otherwise are mine, if you like it, go on, go mad RATE IT ! - flatwound - THE ISLAND ** CAPO 3rd FRET** C F C F C F C F
They say the skCies of LebFanon are buCrning F Those mighty ceCdars bleFeding in the hCeat F They're showing pictCures Fon the tele-viCsion F C F Drun Women and children dying in the street FNow we're still at it in our own place C F Drun Still trying to reach the future through the past, Still tryin' to F F (TACET) Carve tomorrow from a tombstone But hFey don't listen to me, TChis wasn't meant to be no sFad song We've heard too mFuch of that beCforeF C Right now I only want to Fbe here with you 'til the moFrning dFew comes falCling
I wanna take you to the isFland and trace your fooFtprints in the sCandF C And in the evening when the sFun goes down We'll make lFove to the soFund of the ocCean C
They're raising baCttles oFver by the marCkets F Whitewashing sloCgans Fon the shipyard wCall F Witchdoctors praCying fFor a mighty shoCwdown F C F C run The way a holy flag is gonna fall F C F C run Up here we sacrifice our children,To feed the,Worn out dreams of yesterday F F (TACET) And teach them "Dying will lead us into Glory" But hey don't lisFten to me, TChis wasn't meant to be a sFad song We've heard too mFuch of that beCforeF C RiCght now I only wanna Fbe here with you 'til the moFrning dFew comes falCling
CHORUS....I wanna take you to the island etc e|-5--2--3--0--2-----0------0----5--2--3--0--2-----------------------| B|-----------------3------2---3----------------3---2h3p2--0----------| G|---------------------4-------------------------------------2--0----| D|-----------------------------------------------------------------4-| A|-------------------------------------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------------------------------|
I know us plCain folks don't sFee all the stCory F I know peCace and loFve's just copping oCut F I guess these yoCung boys dyFing in the ditCches F C F Drun That's just what being free is all about How this twFisted wreckage down on MFain Street C F Drun Will bring us all together in the end As we go marFching down the road to frFeedom... F FrFeedom