Paul Brady - Arthur mcbride and the sergeant
chordsver. 1
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Tuning: D G D G B D
When in OPEN G/D The chords are:
G/D D7 D6sus4 D7sus2
Oh, G/Dme and my coD7usin, one ArG/Dthur McBride
D7As D6sus4we D7sus2went a-walD6sus4king down D7sus2by the seaside
Now, G/Dmark what did D7follow and G/Dwhat D7did beD6sus4tide
For D6sus4it being G/Don Christmas D7morning...
Out G/Dfor recreD7ation, we G/Dwent on a tramp
D7And D6sus4we D7sus2met Sergeant D6sus4Napper and D7sus2Corporal Vamp
And a D6sus4little wee D7drummer, inG/Dtending to camp
For the D6sus4day being G/Dpleasant and D7charming
"Good G/Dmorning! Good D7morning!" the G/Dsergeant did cry
"D7And D6sus4the D7sus2same to you D6sus4gentlemen!" D7sus2we did reply
InG/Dtending no D7harm but G/Dmeant D7to D6sus4pass by
For D6sus4it being G/Don Christmas D7morning
But G/Dsays he, "My D7fine fellows G/Dif you will enlist
D7It's D6sus4ten D7sus2guineas in D6sus4gold I will D7sus2slip in your fist
And a D6sus4crown in the D7bargain for to G/Dkick up the dust
And D6sus4drink the King's G/Dhealth in the D7morning
For a G/Dsoldier he lD7eads a G/Dvery fine life
D7And D6sus4he D7sus2always is D6sus4blessed with a D7sus2charming young wife
And he G/Dpays all his D7debts without G/Dsorrow D7or D6sus4strife
And D6sus4always lives G/Dpleasant and D7charming...
And a G/Dsoldier he D7always is G/Ddecent and clean
D7In D6sus4the D7sus2finest of D6sus4clothing he's D7sus2constantly seen
While D6sus4other poor D7fellows go G/Ddirty and mean
And D6sus4sup on thin G/Dgruel in the D7morning."
"But", says G/DArthur, "I D7wouldn't be G/Dproud of your clothes
D7For D6sus4you've D7sus2only the D6sus4lend of them D7sus2as I suppose
And you G/Ddare not change D7them-one-night, G/Dfor D7you D6sus4know
If you D6sus4do you'll be G/Dflogged in the D7morning
And alG/Dthough that D7we-are G/Dsingle and free
D7We D6sus4take D7sus2great D6sus4delight in our D7sus2own company
And we D6sus4have no deD7sire strange G/Dfaces to see
Although D6sus4that your G/Doffers are D7charming
And we G/Dhave no deD7sire to G/Dtake your advance
D7All D6sus4ha-----D7sus2zards and D6sus4dangers we D7sus2barter on chance
G/D D7 G/D D7 D6sus4
For you-would-have no scruples for-to-send-us-to France
Where D6sus4we would get G/Dshot without D7warning"
"Oh G/Dnow!", says the D7sergeant "I'll G/Dhave no such chat
D7And D6sus4I D7sus2neither will D6sus4take it from D7sus2spalpeen or brat
For D6sus4if you inD7sult me with G/Done other word
I'll D6sus4cut off your G/Dheads in the D7morning"
And-then G/DArthur and D7I we G/Dsoon drew our hods
D7And D6sus4we D7sus2scarce gave them D6sus4time for to D7sus2draw-their-own-blades
When a G/Dtrusty shillD7elagh came G/Dover thD7eir heD6sus4ads
And D6sus4bade them take G/Dthat as fair D7warning
And their G/Dold-rusty D7rapiers that G/Dhung by their side
D7We D6sus4flung D7sus2them as far D6sus4as we D7sus2could in the tide
"Now D6sus4take them out, D7Divils!", cried G/DArthur McBride
"And D6sus4temper theirG/D edge in the mD7orning"
And the G/Dlittle wee D7drummer we G/Dflattened his pow
D7And D6sus4we D7sus2made-a-footD6sus4ball of his D7sus2rowdeydowdow
Threw G/Dit in the D7tide for to G/Drock D7and D6sus4to row
And D6sus4bade it a G/Dtedious retuD7rning
And we G/Dhaving no D7money, paid-G/Dthem-off in cracks
D7And D6sus4we D7sus2paid no D6sus4respect to-their D7sus2two bloody backs
For we D6sus4lathered them D7there like a G/Dpair of wet sacks
And D6sus4left them for G/Ddead in the D7morning
And G/Dso to-conD7clude and to G/Dfinish disputes
D7 D6sus4 D7sus2 D6sus4 D7sus2
We o------bligingly asked if they wanted recruits
For we G/Dwere the laD7ds who would G/Dgive D7them D6sus4hard clouts
And D6sus4bid them look G/Dsharp in the D7morning
Oh G/Dme and my D7cousin, one G/DArthur McBride
D7As D6sus4we D7sus2went a walD6sus4kin' down D7sus2by the seaside
Now D6sus4mark what D7followed and G/Dwhat did betide
For D6sus4it being G/Don Christmas D7morning