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WondGer if I Dgave an Oreo tGo the Big Bad WoDlf, how would the story go? WCould he stDill go hGuff and Cpuff or woCuld he bDring those pGigs cool stCuff to dCecorDate the dEmeck he helCped them buiDld? WoCuld they not Dget killed?G
WonGder if I gaDve an Oreo to Ga vampire in a Dcreepy show, woCuld he nDot act Gso undCead? WoCuld he thiDrst for milGk instCead? I'Cve justD got this fEmeeling Cthat iCt migEmht worDk out all right.
‘Cause cream does wondrous things inside a chocolate sandwich dream.
If I gEmave 'em to great white sharks, C would they share 'emG with baby seals? D
Would they call up a giant squid for a friendly meal?
WonGder if I gave anD Oreo… WonGder if I gave anD Oreo…
What if I gave an Oreo to you?