One Direction - The maths song
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Capo: 2
Sung/played to the tune of What Makes You Beautiful
Capo on 2
Standard tuning
Intro: C F G x2
You're inseCcure,F don't know what Gfor
And C2 is Fhalf of G4
And two C3s,F that's fun for Gus
Cause we're Cyoung and we can Fstill remember Gstuff
CEveryone Felse can multiGply by 60
CEveryone Felse can add G2
So take of C100 Fand add on G24
Then diCvide by 2 Fand add on G7 more
And if you're Cstruggling Fnow it's not Amhard to Gtell
You don't CknowF, Gyour math skills are terrible
CIf only Fyou had a Gmind like me
You'd underCstand how to diFvide the Gsum by 3
Then Cadd on the Fage of an AmOAPG(+60)
You don't CknowF, Gyour math skills are terriCbleF
G C(once)
It's really kind of pitiful
Just a side note; if you're wondering what the answer is, it's 130. :)