One Direction - Little things
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Capo: 7
HI I'm BEC! I just updated the chords. please rate!
1D's new song came out today on their VEVO and I love how it's so quiet and
meaningful. Love it! (They wrote it with Ed Sheeran!)
Capo 7
C Fmaj7 Am G Fmaj7 G C
Your Chand fits in mine like it's made just for me
But Fmaj7bear this in mind it was meant to be
And I'mAm joining up the dots with the Gfreckles on your cheeks
And it Fmaj7all makes senGse to me C
I Cknow you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes
When you Fmaj7smile you've never loved your stomach or your thighs
The Amdimples in your back at the Gbottom of your spine
But I’lFmaj7l love themG endlessCly
Fmaj7 I won’t let these littleAm things slipC out of my moutGh
But if I Fmaj7do, it’sAm you, oh it??C?s you they add upG to
I’m iFmaj7n love with you
And all these little things C
CYou can’t go to bed without a cup of tea
And Fmaj7maybe that’s the reason that you talk in your sleep
And Amall those conversations are the Gsecrets that I keep
Though it Fmaj7makes no sGense to me C
I Cknow you’ve never loved the sound of your voice on tape
Fmaj7 You never want to know how much you weigh
AmYou still have to squeeze into your jeanGs
But you’rFmaj7e perfGect to mCe
Fmaj7I won’t let these littleAm things slipC out of my moutGh
But if it’Fmaj7s true, it??Am?s you, itC’s you they add uGp to
I’m iFmaj7n love with you
And all these little things
Fmaj7 You’ll neveAmr love yourself halCf as much as I love yoGu
Fmaj7 You’ll never Amtreat yourself right Cdarlin’ but I want yoGu to
Fmaj7 If I let you knAmow I’m Chere for Gyou
Fmaj7 Maybe you’ll Amlove yourself likCe I lovGe you, oh
(quiet stumming of above chords)
I’ve just let these little things slip out of my mouth
‘Cause it’s you, oh it’s you, it’s you they add up to
And I’m iFmaj7n love with you
And all these little things
Fmaj7 I won’t let these littleAm things slipC out of my moutGh
But if it’Fmaj7s true, it??Am?s you, itC’s you they add uGp to
I’m iFmaj7n love with you
And all your little thingsC